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A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Hosting Decap CMS

S. Amir Mohammad Najafi
3 min readJul 27, 2023


Hi everyone!
In this article, I’ll show you how to host your own Decap CMS (former Netlify-CMS) backend without the need for another external service.

By the end of this article, you will be able to host Decap CMS and have a fully functional content management system that you can use to build your website or blog.

You can read faster this post on my blog.

Create OAuth Application

To create an OAuth application, you will need to:

1. Go to the Github OAuth settings from `Settings > Developer Settings > OAuth Apps > Generate New`

2. In the Application name field, enter a name for your application.
3. In the Homepage URL field, enter the URL of your website.
4. In the Authorization callback URL field, enter the URL that will be redirected to after authentication. This URL will depend on your Decap CMS backend. In this post, we will set the callback URL to ${siteURL}/callback.

Once you have entered all of the required information, click Create Application.

screenshoot from the Github OAuth app settings page
Create Oauth app on Github for Decap CMS

Then when the application is created, save the `Client ID` and create new `Client secrets` for use in the last step.

screenshot from the Github OAuth app client ID and secret ID
Create client ID and secret ID in Github OAuth app

Add CMS to the Website

First, you must install Decap-CMS:

yarn add netlify-cms-app

Then add admin html and javascript/typescript file like below:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<title>Website | Admin Panel</title>
<script type="module" src="admin.js"></script>


import CMS from 'netlify-cms-app'

If you’re using Hugo, to add an admin panel to the `/admin` address, you can add `admin/` to the `content` folder and also `_default/admin.html` to `layouts`.

To speed up load time you can use a Javascript bundler to minify and treeshake the `netlify-cms-app` package.

Something like this in Hugo uses esbuild to minify and treeshake:

{{ $js := resources.Get "/admin.js" | fingerprint | js.Build (dict "minify" true "treeShake" true) }}
<script src="{{ $js.RelPermalink }}"></script>

Setup Backend!

Based Decap-CMS documentation
you can use an external OAuth client.
I’m testing ublabs/netlify-cms-oauth with vercel and this work correctly, but our goal was to run on our own servers, not on another PaaS! so I’m rewriting this to run with NodeJS with packages I was using! and publish them to decap-cms-github-backend, this repo also publishes a docker image of Decap CMS GitHub backend to ``, so we can use this to deploy own backend!

Now you can add a docker image into your deployment process with this envs:

# Enable debug logging

and docker compose like this:

restart: unless-stopped

Setup `admin.yml` File

Amazing, almost all thing is done, just need to add Decap-CMS into the admin `config.yml` file like this:

name: github
branch: main
repo: njfamirm/amazing-oauth

now when you deploy the backend, can login by going to the `` page and get access to the CMS to push commit, create and merge PR in your repo!

Enjoy like a freed bird from the cage ✌🏻💎

I hope this article was useful for you!



S. Amir Mohammad Najafi

A Junior Full-Stack Developer, like to write, see my latest blog post in my website: