Why You Should Run Your ICO Right Now

Nick Johnson
4 min readAug 18, 2018


Coins, Coins, Coins

There is a lot of concern over the current state of the cryptocurrency. Many believe that this is “the end of days” and to “get out while you can.” I’m here to tell you that despite the hysteria, sell-offs, and FUD news, now is the perfect time to enter this game.

The Timing is Right

There is constant strife over what will deliver the finishing blow to Bitcoin and friends, but the truth is, both awareness and adoption are steadily rising. It’s only a matter of time before the stunning breakthrough that is blockchain technology shows what it’s capable of and after that, there is no going back.

The industry is still just in its infancy and though rife with technical innovation, it is lacking in creativity, which it proves to reward handsomely time and time again.

Now is the time.

As of today, the price of Bitcoin is at a relative low: $6500. The price has defended the $6,000 level almost a dozen times since its initial crash to that level — it seems that the bottom has been reached. Even if the price drops further, there is bountiful proof that $6000.00 is the technical price point of BTC. Hell, the average hard cost of mining is $5000.00 — it won’t sustain at a price any lower with its current daily volume of transactions.

Two conclusions from this:

  1. It’s only going up from here; once the train leaves it may never return to this price range.
  2. An upswing in BTC price brings in new investors, makes new millionaires, generates new press, which attracts a mass of new consumers into the market.

Launching now assures that the funds you raise don’t dwindle to nothing while you’re working hard developing your product, that you’ll have more investment opportunity as new volume enters the market, and that by the time you’re blockchain app is ready for release, you’ll have much higher adoption thanks to new opportunistic crypto users.

Easier than Ever

The task of running an ICO is no longer the momentous feat it once was. As of this moment, if you think you could run a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign, you can run an ICO. Lets break down what’s required:

  1. An Awesome Idea
  2. A Team
  3. A Business Plan (Whitepaper)
  4. A Video
  5. Social Media
  6. A Token Distribution Platform

These are all of the necessary requirements for running your campaign. Each one of these pieces can be pulled together relatively quickly and don’t need to cost you anything.

Creativity is starting to set winning projects apart

This is where creativity pays off. If you can produce high-quality media, you don’t actually need to pay outright for any of these things upfront. You’ll need to understand some ICO fundamentals like tokenomics and how to write a whitepaper, but after that, it’s all about expressing your awesome idea in the most powerful way you can.

The Future is Blockchain

If you’re on the fence about running an ICO, consider this:

In the 1980’s the internet was still an unproven technology. There were countless, influential people (even in tech) that doubted the internet would ever catch on. If you were one of the first adopters of the internet, you’d undoubtedly be influential and successful yourself today.

A domain name can be a massive asset

Insurance.com was originally registered for free, with yearly fees of $100 or less to maintain since then.

As of today, the domain name for Insurance.com is worth over US $35M. It pays to be an early adopter. The possibility of removing unnecessary middlemen from almost every digital transaction makes blockchain’s mass adoption inevitable.

In this regard, imagine having InsuranceCoin (INSUR) in 2040. Regardless of your success as a business you’ll have clout and an asset for being there first. For this reason, I’m a big proponent of retooling a business to fit blockchain and not the other way around. Developing a method of using tokens in your business model (revenue sharing, cash-back, fee discounts, rewards points, the list goes on) will ensure that you’re ready and operating when crypto finally has mass adoption.

Don’t Wait

The time to launch an ICO is now. Do your homework, find expert advisers, and start building your blockchain future!



Nick Johnson

Tech Entrepreneur, Startup & ICO Advisor, Hardware Prototyping & Design Guru - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contact: nick.johnson@maketoken.io || Telegram: @njneer