Gsuite SAML app with Keycloak (IDP Initiated SSO)

Narendra Kumawat
4 min readAug 2, 2019


To create new gsuite SAML app with keycloak in SSO (IDP initiated Flow) create a new saml app in gsuite dashboard by following steps.

Go to the admin dashboard and click on Apps

Admin Dashboard

After this click on SAML apps

SAML apps

Create a new App with by clicking in Plus(+) float button

This will pop up a new window with some information.

Click on SETUP MY OWN CUSTOM APP to create a new custom app. If your service provider is already present in the given list then click on that.

After clicking we get SSO URL, ENTITY ID, and CERTIFICATE

There are two options for getting configuration data:

1. Either copy these three things

2. or Just download XML file with IDP meta data.

Download the IDP Metadata XML file. We will use this XML file to configure Keycloak on Service Provider`s end.

Click Next after download

Go to Keycloak dashboard

Create a new realm and Client.

Create new realm and then create new Identity Provider.

Scroll down and click on import file. Choose the downloaded IDP Metadata file and click on import after that save the Identity Provider

This will look like following picture.

After saving it click on the export tab and copy ACS url and Entity Id.

Copy Entity Id and ACS Url from the SAML code.

Back to Admin Dashboard

Choose name for app, provide description and upload logo for your app.

ACS Url is the url where SAML response from IDP will process.

Entity Id is the unique id for SSO. This is basically a realm URL.

Paste ACS Url and Entity ID which is copied from Keycloak dashboard. You can also change Name Id Format. Click on save.

Now create Attribute Mapping for use in Keykloak for SSO Authentication.

Here we can choose attribute name, type and value. Here firstName, lastName, email are the attribute name. We will receive these attributes in SAML response.

Now SAML App is configured but it is not in used.

To turn on the app. Go to Apps > SAML Apps > Your App Name

Click on ON for everyone and save.

We are done on Admin Dashboard side.

Now Again on Keycloak Dashboard

Go to the clients tab and create new client.

Client Id: Unique Id for client

Enabled: ON

Client protocol: saml

Name ID Format: email ( keep this same as in gsuite saml app )

Base Url: Your apps base url

IDP Initiated SSO URL Name: unique name

In Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configrution

Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL: url where you want to send app control after saml auth complition

Logout Service POST Binding URL: logout url after logout response from IDP

All Done!!!!!!!!!!

