Toria Nkanang
5 min readAug 26, 2022


SINSO, is definitely a great innovation to our modern day world. In the course of this article, I’ll make use of certain terms and in order to enhance better and accurate understanding of the article, it is pertinent I give consise definitions to relevant terms.

Wikipedia defines Filecoin as an open-source, public cryptocurrency and digital payment system intended to be a block chain-based cooperative digital storage and data retrieval method. Filecoin is an open protocol and backed by a block chain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the block chain’s native currency.
It further states that Filecoin is an open protocol and backed by a block chain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the block chain’s native currency. Well, Filecoin could easily be understood as a decentralized storage network and protocol that adequately allows anyone rent out storage space which could be used to store individuals or Organization’s most valuable information. One special feature of Filecoin is that it resists censorship because no central provider can be coerced into deleting files or withholding service.
Filecoin is built on the interplanetary file system which allows the network to store and share data on a web based decentralized network. The interplanetary file system verifies through cryptographic proofs that users data is actually being stored. It offers Web3 storage as data stored on the Filecoin network has a unique economic model ND is over 15 EIB of capacity. It builds a storage layer on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) fully inspired by Etherum.
Filecoin has three main aims; One, to verify that the file is not damaged and has not in anyway been interfered with.
Two, to at it’s own discretion automatically correct errors and verify proofs where necessary.
Three, To confirm and ensure there exist duplicate files. It confirms the agreed-upon number if backups that contain the file or document.
Some may actually wonder what the relation between SINSO and Filecoin is. Well, it is quite an interesting one and I’ll do well to state it.
Please take note that after the capacity of Filecoin was built, it became a necessity for series of middle Ware and several other infrastructures to be developed in order to enable dApps do a full transition to Web 3.0. However, the middlewares and infrastructures are yet incomplete in the Filecoin ecosystem. This is where SINSO comes in. SINSO allows dApp developers build and develop their applications in the Filecoin ecosystem more efficiently, with ease and with speed. SINSO equally connects and allies with storage providers to make the Development of the Filecoin plus initiative at an advanced level. SINSO adequately manages the layer 2 of the Filecoin infrastructure which is the middle layer of Cryptocurrency. The Filecoin network’s capacity building occurred during the beginning of the period of explosive application ecosystem growth.

This is actually not a strange or unfamiliar term. It actually simply means the introduction of something new or different. In this context, Innovation actually refers to significant positive change. SINSO is actually a very beneficial innovation in today’s society and I would love to refer to this amazing network as a salvation to Decentralized Application developers.

Sinso is a Filecoin Layer2 plus infrastructure that is based on the web 3.0 ecosystem. The name SINSO is unique. One of SINSO’s function is to allow decentralized application developers build and develop their applications in the Filecoin ecosystem more efficiently with speed and ease. SINSO aims to build a strong operational guarantee for the Web3.0 ecosystem.

I really don’t expect persons to be new to the concept of SINSO network as it is one really amazing technological innovation that has been beneficial in today’s society. SINSO network is a Web3 framework that simplifies decentralized storage and also aids in data governance. It is also good to take note of the fact that SINSO operates a decentralized system. Thanks to this amazing innovation Decentralized Application builders and application developers can quickly and more effectively build decentralized applications on the Filecoin network. SINSO network equally has great and productive effects on other spheres.
In relation to GameFi, SINSO makes adequate provision for a caching layer for the storage of data owned by dynamic NFTs in GameFi and does not in anyway compromise or affect the effective experience provided by this sphere. It however ensures decentralization.
In relation to NFTs, SINSO network greatly alchemize and converts metadata into accurate on-chain assets and equally improves and ameliorate the experience of NFT users. It equally empowers data assets ownership confirmation.
SINSO is equally serves as an efficient intermediary and bridge between Cross-Chain transactions. It carefully secures and guarantees data asset consistency through CID in multi-chain
transactions. This is equally one of the many prove of SINSO’s efficaciousness.

It is also worthy of note that SINSO greatly and adequately makes provision of data caching SDK to public chain developers which will enable them make use of it for content addressing architecture, and equally enables them gain access into the Filecoin

SINSO as an important benefit to Decentralized applications developers allows these developers build and develop their applications in the Filecoin ecosystem more efficiently, with ease and with speed. SINSO equally connects and allies with storage providers to make the Development of the Filecoin plus initiative at an advanced level. SINSO adequately manages the layer 2 of the Filecoin infrastructure which is the middle layer of Cryptocurrency.
Despite all the amazing benefits SINSO renders in today’s society, it however offers amazing products to further aid Decentralized Application developers and the general public. SINSO products include; SINSO DataLand, SINSO Decentralized application Cube, SINSO Getway, SINSO Donors Network, and SINSO DAC.

The SINSO network definitely has a whole lot to offer and it is accurate to refer to SINSO as a technological Blessing

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Toria Nkanang

Professional Graphics Designer, Profilic Writer, Content Creator, Crypto Enthusiast