S01E01 | Embracing the Journey: My Search for the “Next Big Thing” as an Entrepreneur

Niek Karsmakers
3 min readAug 22, 2023


Have you ever had the burning question of “what’s my next big thing?” on your mind? This question often consumes many of us, be it right after graduating, during times of dissatisfaction at work, or when we have the desire to become an entrepreneur without exactly knowing what the startup should be. The search for the “next big thing” is a meaningful endeavor. It is also a mission that currently dominates my own thoughts. Rather than causing only worry, it also ignites excitement within me, as I recognize its cyclical nature, continuously propelling me forward.

New Crossroads

As an entrepreneur with two successful businesses, Aimforthemoon and Mooie Boules, I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing the joy of creating ventures. Yet, with the day-to-day management now in capable hands, I find myself at a crossroads, ready to embark on the next entrepreneurial adventure. The path of entrepreneurship has always been an exhilarating one for me. With vast experience in launching ventures through Aimforthemoon, this time it’s different — it’s a next step molded for ourselves, not someone else.

I thrive on direct action, and my relentless determination propels me to boldly move forward. My desire extends beyond stepping into the next adventure for the sake of it. Instead, it embodies a profound quest to uncover something that deeply aligns with my values and passions while also making a meaningful contribution to progress in our world. A wise Japanese proverb encapsulates this sentiment:

“Vision without action is daydreaming, and action without vision is a nightmare.”

My Guiding Compass: “De creatiespiraal”

The thrill of my search isn’t solely about reaching the endpoint, but also immersing myself in the creative process. This deep connection to creation nudges me towards “De creatiespiraal” (The Creation Spiral) by Marinus Knoope (1998)- a guiding compass that always points me in the right direction. With confidence, I believe it will once again serve me well. It will take me on a transformative journey and I am ready to delve into the different phases (whish, visualize, believe, express, research, plan, decide, act, persevere, receive, appreciate, relax) letting them shape my pursuit of my “next big thing.”

Examining Key Themes

As I will journey through the different phases and make progress, I will share personal perspectives and insights derived from intriguing reads covering themes like intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, purposeful vision, authenticity vs. strategic flexibility, dealing with uncertainty, personal development, leadership, global challenges, freedom, status, money, and work-life balance. These themes will guide the decisions I make, the actions I take, and the impact I aim to make. My intention is to inspire you through my reflections, struggles, examples, and moments of inspiration.

Harnessing the Power of Collective Wisdom

While my journey is deeply personal and originates within me, I am a firm believer that it should not be a journey traveled alone. The power of collaboration and community is immense. I am open to connecting with individuals on a similar path or who have recently traversed it, who can offer valuable lessons, insights, introductions. Because, meaningful change seldom occurs in isolation.

So, as I gear up to share — don’t be taken aback by my frequent posts — I cordially invite you to participate in this dialogue as well. What challenges do you face in your quest for purposeful pursuits? How do you navigate uncertainty and stay true to yourself? What drives you to take action, and how do you envision positively impacting global challenges?

Maybe, our interactions can assist not only me but also others on their journey filled with uncertainties and opportunities! Together, we can transform this quest for the ‘next big thing’ into a collective learning and enriching process. This is just the start of a longer journey, and your insights will be truly valued. The stage is set, the journey awaits — let’s dive in and move towards the “next big thing” together.



Niek Karsmakers

Making things happen by turning thoughts into action. Wanting to do things now, rather than simply talk about them.