Essay 2: Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur

Kit Neoh
1 min readMar 1, 2015

I believe everyone starts of as a wantrepreneur. We look up to someone specific, recognizing their success and emulating their habits so we can be like them. I don’t know about you but I have.

I wanted to be “Steve jobs” in business “Cristiano Ronaldo” in sports. I remember reading an article on Pharrell Williams on and he stated when he made his first album it didn’t sell at all and infact it failed. Why it failed? Because he was trying to mimic his counterpart, Jay-Z and Kanye West. His biggest mistake was not being Pharrell Williams.

It took me time to realize that, understanding your self-worth is far more important than realizing someone else. Some people might be able to stay true to who they are but to others like me, it is vital that we truly dig deep to the core and understand ourselves.

I truly believe an entrepreneur is someone who has clear sense of who they are as a person, why is that? entrepreneurship is probably one challenge that test your mentality to the limit and in that process it shapes you as a person. I guess I’m on the process of being an entrepreneur, I’m still a wantrepreneur.



Kit Neoh

I write about financial services, startups and products. Occasionally about random things that pops in.