2 min readSep 28, 2023

Flower cut from the Garden of Eden :

Flower type/Family : Canna indica ; Commonly referred to as the Indian shot

Hispanic America has been a minor food crop cultivated by indigenous peoples of the Americas for thousands of years.!

A flower not really picked from such a dubious obscure enchantment of which the famous biblical Garden of Eden . A colloquial ideal rooted on anecdotal accounts . it is a flower still yet worthy of admiration no less.. A flower like this makes you realize what beauty the earth produces for our ecosystem . Remember folks “All is one , and one is all” . A belief derived in simplest turn from the teachings and studying of taoism . A spiritual awakening thtT revolves around kanra . The good and the bad . The evil and the righteous . David and Goliath with 30 seconds left on the shot clock . It’s on David to make the shot. All bets are on him . The hero and the villain . A tale that is told from shaman to shame .Traditions and culture comes in to play with Applying those entities.

Remember folks stop And enjoy the beauty of what our ecosystem has to offer . Appreciate life no matter the life form or significance.

Remember folks stop And enjoy the beauty of what our ecosystem has to offer . Appreciate life no matter the life form or significance.

Remember folks stop And enjoy the beauty of what our ecosystem has to offer . Appreciate life no matter the life form or significance.

Remember folks stop And enjoy the beauty of what our ecosystem has to offer . Appreciate life no matter the life form or significance

@!!!!:: ?$ – .Swankkky.Lofty’s. Thoughts. 🧠


Hi my name is Ephram , I like writing and thinking. And writing what I'm thinking. I think alot. Why not let it out ?? Okay bye !!