Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

21 min readMar 17, 2019


Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

where can i go online to get my free credit score without signing up for some credit managerment program

Answer : I recommend that you visit this web page where one can compare from different companies: https://tinyurl.com/y3cml9c2 .

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post, <>? ! !””
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“Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

where can i go online to get my free credit score without signing up for some credit managerment program

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Does anyone knoe of a FREE crdit report site.Where I DO NOT have to give a credit/debit card# to get my score?
I don not want to give my debit or credit card, I want an absolutely free site, where I can get my credit score. Thanks.””
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Virtual credit cards and citibank?
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Is it bad to use my credit card for small purchases?
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Payday loan lenders for people on benefits?
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Is Bankruptcy holding me back even though Ive never been late on loans/bills?
I filed bankruptcy 3 years ago because of medical bills. Ive had a mortgage for 8 years have never been late on a payment and my local credit union has given me 3 small loans (2000or less) since my bankruptcy that were paid off all on time. I also have a visa card and have never been late with payment even paying off monthly. The last time I checked my credit score was 670. I applied for credit at Best Buy for 1500 for a new refrigerator but was turned down. Do they not look at other credit I have had and only look at bankruptcy
Which of the following usually carries the highest interest rates? a. credit cards b. mortgages c. new car loan d. savings accounts?

Can I get a credit card with bad credit?
I’ve tried to get one in the past but generally the only ones I can get are pre-paid credit cards. I’ve never had a credit card before but my credit is so bad that everytime I try to get one I get turned down. Anyone know of a credit card I could get with no bank account and no credit checks?
How can I get a copy of my credit report for free?
This will be my first time checking it, I have reasons to believe someone may have stolen my information. I know there are places where you cacn get them for free, especially the first time. Any suggestions?””
I used a credit card online and selected the wrong style card; I dont want to be accused of fraud.?
I was doing a favor for someone and ordering something online with their information. I selected the wrong card type (master card rather then the visa), it sent a message back to me telling me that the bank has not authorized the transaction. I did not mean to select the wrong one and did not want to be blamed for fraud of any kind. Should I just forget about it?””
If i file chapter 7 bankruptcy what happens?
we owe the bank in excess of 20,000 due to several funerals that happened all at once, we currently have very little income i am in school trying to get a degree to be able to get a job. our house is in poor condition and probably isn’t worth anywhere near the 20,000 we owe. the bank is about to foreclose on us in a matter of weeks, if we file bankruptcy will we still lose our home anyways?””
“”What kind of auto loan, if any, would I qualify for?””
Hey, I have several questions regarding auto loans. I have never bought, owned, had my own car before and have always relied on public transportation. Not by choice, of course. I’m a desperate college student, working 2 jobs, going to school full time, as well as trying to be very active in extra curriculars.”””” As I get closer towards my goal it becomes more and more difficult to carry on my daily duties without adequate transportation or having to beg a ride from someone; which is not something I enjoy doing… With that said””
Bankruptcy Information?
I live in the state of Pennsylvania. I recently contacted a lawyer to do a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have been paying him bit by bit as we are in the process of a loan modification for our mortgage and bankruptcy papers can’t be filed until then, so we are not in a hurry. I have done a bit of thinking after borrowing a book from the library, on credit repair. We may be moving in the next year and currently own our home. A chapter 7 would make it very difficult to purchase a new home. The book I am currently reading suggests an option to contact your creditors in writing, offering them one lump sum of balance that was owed if they are willing to remove the negative information from my credit file associated with the debt. Is this something that going through my lawyer would be the wise thing to do or is it safe to do on my own? And, what happens if one creditor agrees to this option but another does not as this will only improve the credit score slightly? Has anyone attempted this. If so, what was the outcome?””
If I file for bankruptcy when I apply for an apartment will they see a list of previous creditors or will all?
If I file for bankruptcy when I apply for an apartment will they see a list of previous creditors or will all past due credit be removed from my credit report, showing only the word bankruptcy?””
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Whee can I apply for a joint credit card application?
Many have authorized user, will this affect both credit score users?””
“”How good is the SBI Credit Card? I am concerned, since there is an Annual Fee/Joining Fee associated with it?

“Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

where can i go online to get my free credit score without signing up for some credit managerment program

Need an auto loan — already have an electronic gadgets loan?
Hi, I am planning to buy a car (the auto dealer is offering a 100% financing scheme which is why I am making haste to avail of it.) I need to furnish my sal account details..but I am already making EMI payments on some elec gadgets that I bought last year from this account. I do not have another account, and still have 1 year to go on the gadgets loan. I also dont want to lose out on this financing offer. My question is, will the bank refuse me the 100% loan, or reduce my loan amt or charge higher interest in any way, becoz I am alreay paying EMIs on another commodity? Please help..urgent!!!!! Thanks.””
I am wanting to verify user identities on Craigslist what is a good site to use?
I was told about this website: http://clsafe.net I was wondering if it is trustworthy or a scam. Also I want to know if it is completely free or if there is a free site to verify user identities on Craigslist.

What does cash debit from unsettled activity mean?
I transferred $2600 from my bank to my Roth IRA brokerage account and it was put in a CORE account. Then I bought $2491.83 of Apple stock.
Husband’s secret credit card cash advances?
I don’t believe he is paying for sex from anyone…unless he is in some other relationship. I have been cheated on before & my woman’s intuition was spot on then….however, my intuition is not quite sure what could be going on. My husband is an awkwardly shy but goofy guy who does not party. He reads & watches TV & loves baseball. He is a big kid, so the closest to paying for a hooker”””” he could come to would be spending money on a “”””friend”””” of some sorts.””””””
APR for Purchases vs Penalty APR?
I’m looking through credit card options. I know that APR is interest you must pay if you pay late. So, as long as you always pay your balance on time and in full, you till never have to pay APR. But I am confused as to what the difference between APR and Penalty APR is? Isn’t penalty APR also interest accumulated from a late payment? How is that different from APR?””
Age limit for an auto loan in Georgia?
I’m looking to get an auto loan in Georgia and have researched the age requirements many times but cannot find an actual answer. Some places say if your 18 you qualify and others say you must be 21 but I’m not sure of the state law. And FYI I’m 20. Thanks in advanced

Which is a characteristic on non-installment credit?
a. A down payment must be made before receiving the loan. b. individuals are allowed to borrow an unlimited amount of money as long as they pay it back. c. Credit is extended in advance so the borrower does not have to apply for credit each time credit is desire. d. Equal payments administered on a regular basis.


What are the best ways to improve your credit?
what kind of things can you do
Has anyone applied for an auto loan thru Fundingway.com and gotten approved?

How do i find a loan shark in uk?
i need to find a loan shark. im in south wales. 07855248354
“”The 6 month rule, does it start the day you file bankruptcy?””
How does the 6 month rule work, does it start the day you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or does it start the day your case is discharged? This is for Minnesota.””


Anywhere I could find as much information as possible on bankruptcy declaration in the province of Quebec?

Does anyone know how you can check a business credit report for free?


Why does my bank not put extra money towards principal?
I have an auto loan and I only have 3 payments left. Once in a while over the 4 years ( 48 month term) I woudl pay a little extra. Sometimes, but not always, I woudl put apply extra towards principal”””” now I ususaly drop it off in the night box but the past two times I paid in person””

Can someone with a Bankruptcy and tax lien get a home loan or am I doomed ?

HSBC Auto Loan?
I know that HSBC will refinance a car loan. However, will HSBC give you a loan for a new car in such a way that one can go to the dealer and have worked out their own financing with HSBC. I don’t mean do they have programs such that dealers can use them to finance. I mean, can I go into HSBC and fill out the paperwork for an auto loan, then go pick the one that I want, and they cut the check. Are there any other banks who are known to lend to a variety of credit scores (translation — -of course Wachovia or Chase will give a signature loan to a 50 y.o. with an 850 credit score, little to no debt and a 250k income! BUT, this is NOT what I am talking about!) who may do this. Again, my friend for whom I am asking this question has decent credit, just not stellar and HSBC gives credit to people in all sorts of circumstances, so I am looking for a bank with similar policies, etc.””
Which credit card in India is the best?
The purpose of the credit card for me is not to borrow money from the bank, but I have some international vouchers, to redeem that voucher to cash or money I need credit card so in simple words I need a credit card to deposit money online. I want to know 1. If I don’t use credit card to borrow money or to pay bills or what ever do I still have to pay interest charges or fee? 2. Is it possible that I can deposit money (voucher) without using my credit limit and withdraw the exceeding amount. If yes then what are the charges to withdraw via atm? Is there any limit? 3. related to above (2) instead of withdrawing cash can I transfer exceeded funds to x y z bank debit account? Is there any limit? I would really appreciate if someone can give me answers quoting website links or something. I am poor in banking””
“Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

where can i go online to get my free credit score without signing up for some credit managerment program

Why are my finance charges so high on my auto loan?
Currently, I’m paying $160 a month on a $7500 auto loan. I was looking over my statement, and basically for every $160 I pay, about $45 is eaten up by Finance charges. My APR is 8.25%. How exactly are these finance charges calculated…. my wallet is getting raped here :(.””
Going to Ukraine. ATM Cards Use +Visa Cash Advance Details?
Thanks. but… 1) Where are the ATM machines in Odessa that take Star/Plus visas 2) At which banks can I get a cash advance?
What does a Mortgage Lender Recapture period mean?
someone said there is a 6 month recapture period, not sure what that means?””
How long does it take for a fish’s fins to heal after separating it from the bullying fish?

Where can I get an auto loan to purchase from a private seller?
I already tried capital one, road loans, eloan. I have new credit, is there any other place I can get a loan from? ***Please, no answers with I can get you loan”””” and a “”””Please contact me at carloan@yahoo.com””””- lol…***””””””
What credit monitoring service should we sign up for?
My husband and I are paying off his old debts and we need to sign up for one of those credit monitoring services to see what progress we’ve made and to make sure the creditors are reporting that they’ve been paid. We would also like to have updates on his credit score as well. Does this sound like a good idea? Which one should we use?
How to recover from bankruptcy?


I need a loan where I can use my motorcycle as collateral?

Has anyone tried the free credit report.com?
it says for 12.95 you can get your credit report for free for one month, then they start charging you unless you cancel your membership. Is there a catch to this?””
What the best site to go to where i can see my credit score for free?


Does anyone know what a Choice Freedom Platinum card is?
Hi I got an email today saying I have been approved for a Choice Freedom Platinum card, what is it?””

How much will a judgment and bankruptcy deletion improve my credit?
Thanks for all of your responses! In response t the questions you have posed to me: Yes Ihave other lines of credit opened up since the whole foreclosure and bankruptcy ordeal. I currently have a car loan that is in good standing and my educational loans are showing up n in the credit as paying as agreed in good standing so I should be ok. I will also dispute or pay off the ridiculous amounts reported by Verizon of $29 and $55. Seriously Verizon? Thanks again for all of your help.
“”Is there a way to own a house, and then purchase a another house now, butthen end up having to file bankruptcy?””
This is just hypothetical question you all. It’s a ‘just in case’ because of the economy. For some, right now is a good investment in real estate because the economy is so low, and then when it raises again, assuming it will and hopefully it will, it will be a good investment. “”
100k loan with 35k income through countrywide?
I have been pre-qualified for a home loan for 100k from countrywide through fha. I make 35k a year and have a car payment and cc debt that totals close to 500.00 does anyone think I will be able to be approved for the loan? The area is new jersey and the taxes I’m looking at is 2800 tops? I have other sourses of income through my boyfriend but he works under the table currently and is not on the loan. Also would old leases from places that I have rented for 1100 amonth matter in this case. thanks in advanced
I wanna check my credit score. Which website do you recommend to get scores from all 3 bureaus??

Are there any auto loan companies without a minimum price?
I said that the major banks are $5000 and up. That includes Chase, that is why I am asking here; I’ve checked all the major banks and local bank websites.””

Is a credit score of 715 good or bad and do you think i would be able to get a good mortgage loan?

“”Making $10/h, can I afford a $16,000 car?
Additional I live with my parents who are both in the military. I have no others bills to pay besides a 50 dollar phone bill. I’m not to sure on how credit scores work seeing how I’m just starting out to build credit.
Are there any educational games for Gameboy Advance?
My son is 5 and although he’s REALLY smart, he does not like schoolwork. I would really like to get him some games that he can play and learn at the same time. Does anyone know of any?””
We are trying to lease a Mercedes and have talked to approximately six different dealerships within our state?
We are considering leasing a Mercedes and have talked to approximately six different Mercedes dealerships within our state. They are all offering a different payment amount on vehicles with the exact same MSRP, why is that????? Does anyone know how a dealership calculates a lease payment? What is the formula? Also, anyone familiar with balloon loan option for an auto loan? Thanks!””
Wrong information on Free Credit Report?
I just checked my credit score for the first time ever through Experian and was surprised to see a lot of wrong information — for example it lists my birth year wrong, it gives me a middle initial when I don’t have one, it lists one address that I’ve never lived at, there are TONS of cards open that I never applied for, and most surprising of all, one has a balance of $1400+. I’ve only ever applied for one card and my credit score is still excellent so I haven’t started to freak out yet, but I don’t know what to do now to get this all sorted out.””
“Where can i go online to get my free credit score?

where can i go online to get my free credit score without signing up for some credit managerment program

