Nkosana Tshabha
4 min readJul 14, 2023


An Atheist Goes to Church: Reflecting on a Unique Experience


As an atheist, I found myself in unfamiliar territory when I agreed to attend a church service with a friend. While I entered with skepticism and no expectations of a spiritual awakening, my experience provided a unique opportunity for reflection and a deeper understanding of the power of music and communal engagement. Join me as I recount my journey, exploring the factors that contribute to spiritual experiences and the personal insights gained from this unexpected venture.

Photo by Augusto Baldera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/entrance-door-of-cusco-cathedral-16923735/

The Journey Unfolds:

When I stepped into the church, I was greeted by a serene ambiance accompanied by low-volume music. The melodies, although not personally resonating with me on a spiritual level, carried a sense of tranquility that set the tone for the service. While I didn't experience a profound spiritual awakening, the music did evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation.

Surrounded by Worship:

As the service progressed, the congregation's devotion became more evident. The volume rose, and passionate voices filled the room, creating an atmosphere of fervor and enthusiasm. While I couldn't fully relate to the emotions expressed, witnessing the collective energy and witnessing the authenticity of those around me left an impression. It highlighted the power of communal engagement and the strength found in shared beliefs.

The experience reached a climax when they started to sing a song i used to love in my Christian day. I couldnt help but let my emotions take control, allowing myself to feel a sense of comfort and acceptance. For a moment thought this is it this must be a “spiritual moment” for a lack of a better term, however reflecting on the experience, I realized the factors with must have led to my emotions reaching a high point as mucb as they did.

Photo by Sierra Koder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-cheering-and-holding-hands-10264752/

The Value of Community:

One aspect that particularly stood out during my time in the church was the sense of community. People genuinely cared for one another, offering support and compassion. This connection and support network was something I hadn't experienced before. It made me reflect on the importance of human connection and the potential benefits that arise from shared experiences and a sense of belonging.

Photo by Laura Stanley: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-in-a-concert-2147029/

The power of music:

Throughout the service, the music got louder and louder and I noticed a direct correlation to the passion shown by the congression. Studies have shown that music has played a very vital part in our evolution in terms of being able to strenghten bonds and the sense of community, So much so that it has been ingrained in our subconscious to react positively to music.

Even though i dont understand the feeling well enough to explain it, I had a first hand experience. An hour and thirty minutes into the service, the youth leaders started to sing a song i loved as a Christian. Its a song my mom used to sing for me all the time when i was young this, i couldn’t help but be overcome with emotion and passion, as i sung outload along with the congregation. This experience prompted me to believe that the most explainable reason i went through that experience is because of the pre memories and nostalgia I had for the song that lead me to feel the way i felt at the time.

Photo by Akil Mazumder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-green-plant-1072824/

Personal Growth and Perspective:

Although my visit to the church didn't lead to a conversion or spiritual awakening, it served as a catalyst for personal growth and expanded my perspective. It reminded me of the richness and diversity of human experiences and the capacity for individuals to find meaning and fulfillment through various paths. It reinforced the importance of open-mindedness and a willingness to explore ideas beyond one's own beliefs.

My journey as an atheist attending a church service was not marked by a transformative spiritual awakening. Instead, it provided an opportunity for introspection, reflection, and a deeper appreciation for the power of music and communal engagement. While spiritual experiences may not always convert atheists into theists, they can prompt valuable self-reflection and broaden one's understanding of spirituality in its various forms. Each person's journey is unique, and even a seemingly unlikely experience can offer insights and personal growth along the way.



Nkosana Tshabha

Trying to spread the light of critical thought and the understanding of philosophy ❤️please help me grow by following my publication 😊