The Internet is Crumbling. There is One Simple Step to Fixing it.

Nicholas Koteskey
6 min readMay 6, 2023


Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

Safe Network has rebranded to ‘Autonomi’.

What do we all hate about the current internet?

  • Ads
  • Online tracking
  • Hackers
  • Theft
  • Data breaches
  • Data loss
  • Slow speeds
  • Broken links
  • Lack of trust with personal info
  • Managing logins and passwords (easier now with password managers)
  • We are the product

The internet is great in many ways. It democratized information, whether that information is true or false. It let the world communicate far more easily, blurring the imaginary lines of boarders. It allows us to work remotely or shop from our homes. But it has so much more potential. The worst parts of it though, seem to stem from the fact that we are the product. For example

Facebook is “free” but is it?

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
  1. It profiles us based off what we follow, like, post
  2. Steals our attention with ads
  3. Graphs who we know or have connections to on a very personal level
  4. Performs facial recognition on our photos and videos (and probably more)
  5. Know where we have ever lived, worked, who we love, our relationship status
  6. Geo locates our every move
  7. Tracks our habits, desires, dislikes, etc
  8. and Sells that data, all neatly packaged

So we are the product after all. It doesn’t just end at Facebook. Any site that has a Facebook button does much the same. Every company that competes for our attention does much the same. The internet is constantly trying to leech off our identities and our wallets for someone hidden’s personal gain.

What do we want from the internet?

Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Control
  • Reliability
  • Usability
  • Accessibility
  • Freedom

It’s actually quite simple, when designed right. Us humans will likely muck some of it up but those basic needs must be held closely to any internet natives heart to maintain a free and open internet. When these are designed into such a system, so much more higher functionality is enabled that even the most basic internet user could appreciate.

What a new decentralized internet could do?

UI mock-ups of Safe Network app
  • A shopping cart that spans the entire internet
  • A built in currency that spans the entire internet
  • A way to easily participate in earning that currency with your phones/laptops/PC
  • Login once to the network, never again login to sites or services
  • Your whole digital life under your control in one place
  • The power to share data with whoever, or whatever apps you want, with the ability to revoke access at any time you wish
  • Publishing a personal website so easily that grandma could do it

That is the Safe Network, and the list goes on.

Safe Network, for the uninitiated.

Screenshot from

Built by Maidsafe, here are some brief explanations of what the Safe Network is, in their own words.

Everyone should be able to collaborate freely and share ideas; free and unrestricted access to information for everyone around the world.

That’s why Maidsafe have designed a system like no other: An autonomous network that runs itself, distributed across the globe, that can’t be shut down, controlled, or censored.

What is an Autonomous Network?

An Autonomous Network is one which has no human gatekeepers. Anyone is able to join and — crucially — no-one can be prevented from taking part.

From the moment you upload your encrypted data, no human is required to ensure that your data remains secure and accessible until you alone choose to access it. Without the involvement of humans, the Safe Network intelligently moves chunks of your data between nodes that it also constantly reassigns to different groups in order to provide total security and privacy at all times. You decide what information you will store — and the autonomous Network secures it to ensure that you retain total control.

Welcome to the New Digital Economy

…an economy where you don’t pay by sacrificing your privacy, but one where you own your personal data and are rewarded for what you contribute, in a currency inherent to the Network: Safe Network Tokens.

Share resources, get paid

The Safe Network has a cryptocurrency like no other. Digital cash with no public ledger. There’s no limit to the number of transactions which can take place instantly, privately and simultaneously.

Earning Safe Network Tokens is simple. Choose to become a Farmer and connect your computer to the Network. Watch as the Network automatically and continually moves chunks of data around the world to ensure efficiency. Proof of Resource takes the place of more expensive alternatives, like Proof of Work.

These tokens can then be used to buy Network resources — like the one-time fee for uploading data — or exchanged for goods and services like any other currency.

Contribute and be rewarded

The current ad-supported internet model is broken. On Safe, popular apps and sites are paid directly by the Network according to how much they get used.

Want to build an app or create content? The days of having to meet your website infrastructure costs are gone. With an open source platform, just build and deploy. Your personal data is no longer an asset for the profit of others.

Total Privacy, Absolute Security.

Privacy and security should be available to everyone, not just those with deep pockets.

That’s why the Safe Network encrypts all data by default, automatically splitting it into many pieces which constantly move to locations around the globe that cannot be traced. And your access to them is untraceable too.

No more hacked data, no more stolen passwords, no more eavesdropping. Private. Secure. Anonymous.

Complete Control of Your Data

The Safe Network turns the current data ownership model on its head.

Gone are the days of your personal information being stored on corporate servers. Self Authentication means you are in complete control over your data: it resides with you. Grant permission for apps to connect to it, and no company or third party ever has access.

One Password. For real this time.

All apps are securely accessed from the single password used to create your account. Say goodbye to that password manager.

Pay Once, Store Forever

Upload your data and have it stored securely forever. Get free unrestricted access from any connected device around the world.

You’ll pay a minimal, one-time, upload charge but you’ll get permanent secure backups with no more monthly fees.

If this sounds utopian or impossible to you, I assure you it is not. The headline of this article may even sound like clickbait (intentional) but I do believe that this is the solution, it has been designed to be. This project has been in development for over a decade, predating Bitcoin, in fact. I have personally participated in multiple testnets and have closely followed development on GitHub for years. Even the birth of Bitcoin was a culmination of decades of advancements in cryptography and digital cash, like HashCash, eGold etc, with the most recent innovation of blockchain being the catalyst to the trust-less digital currencies’s inception.

Beyond just a trust-less digital currency, the new decentralized internet is getting closer and closer to finally becoming a reality and it will be transformative in many ways. In others it will feel much the same with the likes of password managers, auto fill, collaborative apps, cloud storage that sync across devices, digital currency or online banking, etc except it will finally just be built into the internet itself and not under the control of companies, but our control instead.

If you would like to learn more about Safe Network and participate in related discussions, visit

To learn about my project being built exclusively for the Safe Network, a personal music library to be music streaming service called JAMS, visit (coming soon)

Bitcoin address: bc1q4ju4eau9772p8eu2v8mcl0su90kaqwwatlg6m4



Nicholas Koteskey

Founder of JAMS player. Writes about #music #musicindustry #revenue #datarights #cryptocurrency #decentralization #technology #JAMS #SafeNetwork #web3