The Embarrassment that is the Indian Parliament WebsiteThe website of the Indian Parliament[1] is poorly designed and written and important site features do not work.Apr 2, 2017Apr 2, 2017
Atal Bijli Bajat YojnaThe India Environment Portal[1], a clearinghouse of information about issues relating to the environment, links to a story in the Indian…Apr 2, 2017Apr 2, 2017
On the (parenthesized) naming of lawsHave you ever wondered why some laws have parts of their names in parentheses? Take the case of the Financial Commission (Miscellaneous…Apr 2, 2017Apr 2, 2017
Dr. Lawrence Summers at BrookingsDr. Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, spoke at Brookings on Friday, March 13, 2009. If you are not familiar with…Apr 2, 2017Apr 2, 2017
The Computer Software BoardYou might be surprised that there are institutions such as the Coffee Board and the Tobacco Board. They are autonomous bodies under the…Apr 2, 2017Apr 2, 2017