Folder Structure for Web Development

Mayur Nalwala
1 min readMay 3, 2019
Folder Structure for Web Development.
VS Code Snippet of my folder structure.

I have come across a variety of projects, right from small projects with a maximum of 3 pages to big projects having over 20–25 pages filled with heavy animations and interactions.

Initially, I used to handle all the front-end development alone and made them with the basic structure in mind, but as more people started adding up to the team, we realized a need for a proper coding standard and files structure so that we don’t lose our minds and work in harmony.

So I and one of my colleagues decided to make things look good and started working on a structure that can be suitable for our requirements and the team. This article is just an opinion/method about a folder structure that has worked best for us after our trial and error, it might not the same work for you as it did for us and you are most welcome to add some ideas of your own.

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