Nellie Medow
5 min readOct 24, 2022


I bought a set of Tarot cards last night, as I am interested in exploring myself with this ancient wisdom. I have been on a self-development journey these past two years and I strive to find different means to learn more about myself, both personally and professionally. That being said, it makes sense that Tarot cards are calling my name. Well, it makes sense to me.

As I was examining the whole deck of seventy-eight cards, one card truly struck me. No, I didn’t do the traditional pull nor did I shuffle it. I will begin this practice tomorrow. I read the description in the accompanying Tarot book and when I read the set message, it made sense. My close friend Sara, who is a spiritual coach, told me to use my intuition and form my own observations. I will try my best. I definitely am a Tarot Virgin, but I know that will change! Of course I am new to this and I feel like an imposter, but that is nothing new. I don’t know if I have the gift of card reading, but if I don’t harness my ability, I will never know. So, here goes my first interpretation!

Let’s examine my first card 21: The World. This is the last card of the Major Arcana, which constitutes the part of the deck that relays overarching messages. This particular card has gorgeous artwork and has so much symbolism.

The first thing I noticed is that there are four circles and there is something different inside each circle. There is also an outline of a little hand and a big hand. Two of the circles are enclosed in a rectangular background, one circle is in an open hand, and one is off in the sky. What does all this mean?

I feel that the interpretation is based on the interpreter and what they see in their own life. For me, the little yellow outline of the hand inside the larger blue outline of the hand could be one of my children and the big hand could symbolize me. An alternate interpretation can mean that sometimes I feel small in my own self worth and I need to realize my power and capability and think bigger like the blue outline of the hand. Is it possible that my second interpretation is more on point? Or, is this card telling me to think about how I am impacting and guiding my own children?

My youngest son Myles went with me last night to the crystal shop, where I bought this Tarot deck. I was insistent to only take him and not go on my own. Maybe he is more spiritual than my other two children? I don’t know.

Now, I will examine each of the four circles. The one in the sky has a small globe and it is surrounded by other circles. Perhaps this means that I know my place in this world and I have always known it, but I am fearful to play full out? Maybe it is at the top of the card because it is the most important item to keep in mind? The second circle is what truly drew me in. It is the same picture of the world inside the palm of a hand. It makes me feel that I have the world at my disposal and I have so many options available. I do feel like an influencer and I want to use my powers for good to be able to help and impact individuals in this world.

When I observed the other two circles, I was not initially drawn to them, but I will reflect on what I see now, in real time. The circle on the bottom is made up of three sections. I don’t know exactly what it means, but I gather that it is forcing me to pay attention to the details and try hard to understand them. Maybe that is a message that I can miss messages or I don’t pay attention to little moments in my life?

The bottom circle has a nature scene with two leaves and it might be a reminder to go into nature more. The upper right part resembles a white flower. The stars in the upper left corner may be a reminder to look at the sky and notice the spirituality present. There are paths in between colored by red and yellow, so perhaps this is reminding me that I have multiple paths and I need to explore all of them to determine which one is most fitting?

The final circle is at the top portion of the rectangle. It appears like a small version of a globe that is difficult to make out, due to its miniature size. Perhaps this tells us that we are forgetting the world sometimes? Surrounding it are eight circles that could represent our eight planets. Or, it could be a reminder of how small we are in our solar system. The surrounding circle has blue with stretched out yellow figures that look like H’s. There are four of them so maybe they are a reminder of the four amazing people in my life: my husband and my three boys. The red bubbles that permeate the circle remind me of play. Bubbles are fun and remind us of childhood. Maybe that is a reminder that I need more fun in my life? The rectangle itself is yellow and green with some dark overtones. Green makes me think of grass and the yellow stands for the earth. This whole card is about the earth and I know when we are talking about spirituality, the earth is one of the four components.

This was my first attempt analyzing a Tarot card. I am a Tarot Virgin for now, but that will change as I pull cards each day and interpret what I see and how they relate to my life. I realize you do NOT have to be a psychic to read Tarot, but instead be an individual intune with themselves and be interested in having more clarity and self-awareness in our own lives. I am diving in head first without knowing much about this and being vulnerable sharing this with the world.

As with so much in my life, I believe it is my role to create awareness and reduce stigma on topics that make others feel uncomfortable. Often people fear what they don’t understand, but we need to change that viewpoint. Instead, we need to embrace differences and know that can help us learn more about ourselves and others. I am enjoying learning something new that can offer me guidance about my own life and let me help my loved ones better understand themselves and their passions.

I end with some questions I was pondering today. I wonder if this Tarot card would be interpreted differently by someone else? We all see what we want to see. We all see life through our own lens. Would someone else interpret my fortune the same way that I did? Would someone else view the objects on this Tarot card differently, as it pertains to their own life? I believe so. We all observe the world differently and that is what makes us unique. We can all open our minds a little more and see that even in our differences, we have a shared common humanity.

