Nuno Miguel Ferraz
Nuno Miguel Ferraz

I'm a passionate software developer, my greatest joy lies in creating new things solely through code. I have independently developed projects, tackling exciting challenges by learning new technologies specifically to apply them. This self-learning journey, especially overcoming obstacles on my own, has been incredibly rewarding. My expertise spans the use of versatile languages and frameworks such as Typescript, Node.js, C#, PHP, SQL, Next.js, and React. These choices are not only robust but also supported by active communities, extensive documentation, and versatility for various project types. Having used these technologies in personal and academic projects has strengthened my confidence in their effectiveness and reliability, as they are all well-established and ready for production. My ongoing quest for improvement has led me to explore new knowledge through communities, courses, and article readings. I am open to job proposals in the areas of backend, software architecture, project management, and frontend. Furthermore, I am enthusiastic about invitations to participate in independent projects where I can apply my passion for software development and contribute to innovative solutions.

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