WhatsApp Messages with Python Automating: A Complete Guide using PyWhatKit

2 min readDec 28, 2023


Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world today. You can use Python to automate your day-to-day tasks. Now, you can programmatically send WhatsApp messages. Thanks to Python libraries such as pywhatkit, you can easily send WhatsApp messages to people or groups. With this powerful Python library, you can easily interact with WhatsApp.

What is Pywhatkit?

Python offers numerous inbuilt libraries to ease our work. Among them pywhatkit is a Python library for sending WhatsApp messages at a certain time, it has several other features too. There are some features of pywhatkit module:

  1. Send WhatsApp messages.
  2. Play a YouTube video.
  3. Perform a Google Search.
  4. Get information on a particular topic.

Implementation of pywhatkit:-

Download and install Python or launch jupyter notebook . Install the pywhatkit library using pip in your terminal or command prompt,By using code pip install pywhatkit .And make soured WhatsApp login in your web browser for open your web browser and navigate to WhatsApp Web. Scan the QR code to log in to your WhatsApp account.Now, run the following command that you executed in the previous step: import pywhatkit. Open a text editor of your choice and write the following python script: pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg(“mobile number”, “write massage what you want send” , “time in houre” , “minutes”) then whatsapp massage send.

Here is an example on how to send Whatsapp message with pywhatkit:


PyWhatKit makes it easy to programmatically send WhatsApp messages. It is important to follow WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy when using automation tools on their platform. Try out the library to see if you can send images, find other ways to automate tasks. Automate your WhatsApp messages and simplify your communication process with pywhatkit!

