W4 — Concept Models

3 min readMay 14, 2020


With the impressions from the site visit and the goals of the brief in mind we started working on concept models.

I decided to really focus on materiality, space and surface.

Model 1

With this model I wanted to explore working with a some what textile, but still sturdy and rigid material (plaster bandage rolls). I played with the different opacities created by adding or removing plaster. While photographing it I noticed an interesting spot in the focal point right between the threads. At this spot nothing of the threads themselves or the image behind that was focused but an interesting light play was created in the very small space between the threads.

Model 2

With this model I wanted to explore a space with a very deep set facade. The idea was that a deep facade like this would, in limiting the view to the outside, create a more focused looking in between the bulkheads. And also merges the usually contrary ideas of an open facade but an enclosed, sheltering interior.

Model 3

Trying out the same form from Model 2 but with a lighter material.

Model 4

Simulating a surface with shingles to get a sense of the look and play with the surface (rounding it, bending up the shingles, colour).

I thought shingles would be a very intersting material because of its small-scale-ness (?) on its individual parts but the mass created as a whole. They reminded of the shell banks and the sea in general (fish scales). They got something very “organic”(more in the physical sense), almost animal-like about them.

