3 min readApr 12, 2016

Procrastination /prə(ʊ)ˌkrastɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/: (noun) The action of delaying or postponing something.

As rightly said, I'm very guilty of procrastination. At the beginning of the year, I made a mental note of the list of things I wanted to achieve in the first quarter of the year. This past weekend, I decided to take stock of things I've checked off my list and it was depressing, to say the least. I haven't achieved 50% of the things I did set out to achieve. In retrospect, it is all my fault. I procrastinated on a lot of things.

I start my day early and for the most part, I'm upbeat. A quick glance at my to-do, I say to myself, all of these should be done and dusted today only to have to postpone them to next day. And the cycle continues.

Margaret Mitchell, the famed American author, and a journalist once said "I can't think of that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy, I'll think about that tomorrow." This is exactly what I say to myself daily when my "mental" alarm goes off, reminding me of what I set out to achieve for the day.

Let me give you a peek into my daily schedule and why it's most times difficult to follow through with the items on my to-do; My typical day starts at 4:30 AM, I have to wake up early, prepare breakfast and also prepare for work. I live far from my place of work. For me to get to work on time, I have to be out of the house before 6:00 AM in order to beat the traffic and I clock out at about 5:00 PM, depending on the traffic I typically get home between 7:00 - 8:00 PM.

I have been on a weight loss journey since November of 2014 and I've been able to lose about 8kg by just eating right and for some time now, no matter what I do, I just don't seem to be able to lose any more weight. So I decided in January that I will register in a gym with the hopes that it will help my weight loss journey.

The first hurdle was looking for a gym not too far from home. The nearest gym to my house is about 30 minutes drive. Technically, this part has been sorted. Next up, register and follow through with the gym sessions.

But there's a problem.
I don't get home early enough. Getting to the gym on time daily will be a big problem and the gym close between 7 - 8:00 PM daily.
I work alternate Saturdays, so attending only on Saturdays will indirectly mean attending twice a month bearing in mind that I need to rest and plan the new week on Sunday.
I have even decided to use workout training videos at home but somehow I almost always get distracted(blame it on Celestine) and end up procrastinating - I'll get to this tomorrow. You see why I am bothered.

I've married for a little over 2 years, this year will be my third wedding anniversary (you see I'm still a newlywed). My husband seems to always have food poisoning when he eats out, so in other for me to keep him alive so that we can celebrate our 100 years anniversary together, I have to make all his meals, and by the way, he is good at everything else except the kitchen.

By the time I'm done with these things, I'm spent and fatigued and the day is gone. I can't get any other meaningful thing done. These issues serve as a fallback and quite honestly, justifies why I procrastinate most times.

Right now, writing this has made me realise that I need to do better, keep pushing each day no matter how little I can achieve. I've decided to workout from home since going to the gym is not feasible at the moment.

Charles Dickens, one of my favourite writer said it well "My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!" This is my mantra going forward. I have internalized these words and I have realised procrastination has stolen 3 months of the year already and I can't let the second quarter go the same route of the first. Starting today, I'll take out a few minutes and work out. Wish me well.

Your suggestions will help. I need to lose 10kg before my wedding anniversary.



A wife and radiographer who is on a weight loss journey, hoping to lose 10kg this year.