Contextual Documentation for a Better Developer Experience

5 min readMar 29, 2022
Image Source — Nordic APIs

One day, I was thinking about the process of creating educational material around React. It’s something I’ve been considering getting into and I became genuinely curious to see how fast I could get a project up and running with the tool Create React App. It turns out, the process was pretty straightforward. In just a couple of minutes (and using only 1 command), my project was generated, all the NPM packages were installed, and the repository was initialized in Git.

Once I ran npm start and had the project running in the browser, I realized something about my experience: I was able to get an entire app up and running without having to constantly check the docs.

How come I didn’t have to keep referencing the documentation in order to know what to do next?

After I thought about it, I realized the instructions were following me around!


When I started getting into building educational material with React, I wanted to find resources online that could help developers of all levels get more familiar with React code samples and apps. When you can reduce the time it takes to get a project set up, you can spend more time diving right into the parts of the code that matter for what you’re looking to learn at that point in time. In this…




Software Engineer @OReillyMedia. @Google @WomenTechmakers Scholar. Resilient Coder. world traveler.