Redesigning Amazon Prime Video app

4 min readDec 2, 2023

As someone who loves diving into movies across different streaming platforms, Amazon Prime Video is a regular feature in my watchlist. However, let’s be honest — its current interface has a few pain points that need attention. Join me on a mission to revamp the Amazon Prime Video experience, aiming for a smoother and more enjoyable movie-watching journey for all.

Project Overview

This project is an interface redesign project for the Amazon Prime Video app on mobile devices to improve the user interface, leading to better user usability. It is a case study from my self-directed course, Emerging Multimedia Practice 1 at Humber College.

Project Goal

My goal is to improve the user interface of Amazon Prime Video for better usability and more intuitive design. Besides, I want to learn more about UI/UX design and improve my skills in this area after the completion of this course.

Technology Used

Software: Figma (for the design), Miro (for research & ideation), Adobe Photoshop (for mockups)

Learning Resources: Youtube, Instagram (UI/UX design-related accounts.)

Creative Process

I began by researching the app’s pain points, and competitors and then I proceeded to create a SWOT analysis, user personas and user flow to understand who the target users are and what needs to be solved before sketching out the design.

Creative Process on Miro

Open this link to see the creative process on Miro


After gathering all the necessary information for the brand and users, it’s time to start with the redesign process. I started by sketching down the design on paper because I believe that is the most efficient way (and fastest way) for me to accumulate the ideas. After that, I began to bring my design digitally and made a mid-fidelity wireframe for user testing.


After the user testing, here are the adjustments made from the low and mid-fidelity wireframes as well as from the current app design:

  1. Top bar: Introducing a stroke to clearly indicate the clickability of buttons.
  2. Priority focus: Enlarging the top purchase to highlight it as a primary element.
  3. Layout adjustment: Transitioning from a horizontal to a vertical orientation for increased prominence.
  4. Streamlined navigation: Reducing the number of buttons on the nav bar to emphasize key options like Home, Store page, and Download.
  5. Enhanced intuitiveness: Relocating the Watchlist and More options to the top right for improved design flow.
  6. Information display: Adding the movie title, watch time, release year, and genre to the top to underscore their priority in the interface.

Final Deliverable

Amazon Prime Video app redesign

Click here to see the final clickable design on Figma

Project Reflection

Overall, I have accomplished the goal of redesigning for better usability and more intuitive interface design. I have learned a lot about how to use Figma and how far I can go with the software (there’s certainly more that I have to learn!). Moreover, I learned how to conduct user research, user flow, and user testing, and to apply the feedback to improve my design.

I have also faced some challenges during the project such as the lack of knowledge of the software and the UI/UX methodologies. However, thanks to those challenges, I was motivated to learn more and now I am more familiar with them and looking forward to diving deeper into this industry.

Lastly, this project has also shown me that I have a passion for creating an intuitive design and that enjoying the journey along the way is as important as reaching the destination.

