Near Death Note : Everything You Need To Know

7 min readMar 23, 2022


Near Death Note : Everything You Need To Know

Near is the real name of Nate River and one of the main characters from the manga and anime series Death Note. He was later succeeded by one of the candidates for the seat of L.


N is a bit like L. She is withdrawn, impassive, and eccentric. L was certainly an authority for him. However, after hearing about the death of the detective, Nia says that he “lost” because he couldn’t play right. He is calm and balanced, unlike Mallo. He loves to play with toys for children and often sits on the ground and rinses his hair. As an image of his enemies or allies, Nia used Lego figurines in season one and puppets in season two. To build houses of cards, he sometimes uses tarot card cards. He has very little contact with others. His communication with other people is minimal.

The official characteristics of the character in the thirteenth manga volume are intelligence — 9, activity- 6 motivation -10, creativity — 10, and sociality — 10.

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BIOGRAPHY Near Death Note


As illustrated in the manga, Nia started to act as an L. She solved new crimes and solved new cases. Nia chose not to reveal Kira’s identity to the public, nor to publish the findings of the investigation. This is likely because Kira was able, despite his death to make a difference in the world. Crime was reduced numerous times and wars were stopped altogether. Officially, Kira (like Kira 3) simply stopped killing people due to an unknown reason.

People started to die from heart attacks again in large numbers. It was clear that someone had gotten the new death note. Nia appeared on TV to represent L. He said that he wouldn’t look for a killer and that he wasn’t interested in the activities and that he would not call this maniac Kira because that would be disrespectful to the original Kira, who is a dangerous and intelligent opponent. He will only call this pathetic old man killer “Cheap Kira”, “Cira” , or “C- Kira” .

Nia appears to be more isolated and unsociable that the main plot. Instead of trying to catch the new Kira he spends his time building enormous towers of dice and cards. He is always trying to do the same as L.

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L died without appointing an inheritor. Mello_ and Nia were equally brilliant but had totally different personalities. The former dislikes Nia ‘s calmness and judgment, while the latter hates Mello recklessness and impulsiveness. Nia is very socially awkward, while Mello is a great friend. They have different work methods. Mello will even work with the mafia in order to capture Kira, while Nia stays true to the law. Although they could not work together in Kira’s favor, they joined forces and solved the case.


After Mallo’s refusal of cooperation due to differences between characters, Nia sets off to investigate Kira. Using the alias N, he assembles a team consisting of the Second who is his prime suspect. He swaps the real Death Notebook in favor of a fake, and proves to everyone that Light really is Kira. Nia wins the battle between genius minds. But only Mallo can help him finish L’s case, and expose Kira.

Although he considers Kira a maniac, even though he is the most “successful”, he still regards Lytle as an intelligent and dangerous opponent. Near also did not reveal Kira’s identity out of respect for Kira’s efforts to end wars and almost eliminate crime.


Nia was respectful of L’s intelligence. However, he believed that L lost because he failed to denounce Light Yagami despite having all the prerequisites. Nia seems even more isolated and inept than L.


Both claimed that L had two heirs because L could not defeat Kira by himself. Oba believed that one character would “replicate” L and Light’s fight, so he wrote a story about the encounter between the three “fighters”. Oba stated that he let Takeshi Obata create the characters, and asked him to make them look “L-histo.” Oba stated that he was uncertain about their age and believed he was making them L. Both Oba and Obata added that they didn’t develop their personalities at first because he wanted to “reveal the characters” through their actions.Both claimed that he gave Nia a fascination for toys and helping to put things away. This led L to develop L’s habit of stacking sugar cubes and creamer wrappers in columns. Oba stated that he was struck by Obata’s inability to draw towers of objects, and was therefore surprised to find towers made of dice in the final chapter.

“Nate River” is a combination of “River” and (natural), which are symbols of the transition from L to Nia. Nia, L’s natural successor and “a natural genius blessed by above”, is Nia.

Obata said that, after Oba’s request that Nia/Mallo adopt fewer of L’s traits than he wanted, he tried not to lose the “weirdness and panda eye” He said that L was an important character and that he felt that he made Nia/Mallo too similar to L. He stated that character design was a problem. Obata said that he thought they would work together when he heard about Mallo. So he imagined them as twins when creating the character designs. Obata said that Nia was originally created because he thought she would be more suited to mental work. He also created a “cool” version of L and contemplated using a younger version. Obata also created an image for L that featured a “really innocent and fun character”, but he quickly dropped the idea. He said that he tried drawing Mallo first because he had “more energy than Nia.”Obata said that when he first met Nia, he didn’t know why he was wearing such a dress. It was difficult to draw Nia’s clothes because he didn’t know such attire. Obata said that he finally settled on pajamas and it was “a lot easier.”

Both stated that Nia became less likeable as the story progressed. This was referring to Nia’s plan to take Death Note earlier in the story. Both stated that the negative reaction to L’s loss and the change in attitude caused the differences and that readers may view Nia as a fraud. Both said that Nia’s defiant behavior was meant to reinforce his childishness and was interpreted by both as an “annoyance.”

The final chapter sees Nia bring finger puppets to a warehouse meeting. Obata says that Nia bought a finger puppet of Kira, and he used a marker to draw on it. Also, Obata also states that Nia loved L’s puppet and so Nia worked hard on Mallo ‘s puppet .

In addition, Obata stated that he enjoyed drawing Nick, and that he considers him to be one of his most favorite, but also his least favorite, characters. He said that he considered him to be the smartest character in manga, “because he’s a trickster.”

Oba was asked which character is the closest to him. He suggested Nia or Light. Oba stated that he doesn’t leave his home often.Obata said that characters’ images changed during the design phase. Mallo was Nia’s design, and vice versa. Also, Obata recalls that his editor had mixed up the captions of the sketches when he was creating the character images. Obata received approval and he couldn’t say the captions were incorrect after that. Obata stated that Nia was more evil to him. “/strong> Obata felt it would have been better for them to be changed.Obata stated that he became more mature as he drew Nia, because such traits are easier to develop slowly. Obata pointed out that Nia was a darts player in the beginning. His puppets allowed him to express the negative side of Nia. Both men added that it was possible to see his dark side through the way he used puppets.

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Theron Martin, a reviewer for Anime Network believes that Nia’s image is responsible for the deterioration in the second half of Dead Note (59 to108 manga chapters, 26–37 anime episodes). The plot’s core was the confrontation between Kira, and L. After their deaths, all intrigue has disappeared. However, the flaws in the series are revealed. The manga authors divided the main characteristics of L between Mallo and Nia . The former got brilliant analytical skills and unsociability while the latter got the emotional side (a passion for chocolate instead of L sweets) and lost the series. Although Nia is a formidable opponent for Kira’s, he lacks the facets of tension and juxtaposition that he had in the conflict with . Because L is the only worthy foe, his presence in the story is too obvious.Briana Lawrence reviews the same resource and suggests that it was an interesting move to introduce two foes. However, Mallo is treated as part of L. This keeps us from forgetting that Kira continues her fight with the detective. We’ve seen Light win so why ask the reviewer again? Conclusion: Nia and Mallo could have been seen better if they weren’t seen as separate parts of L.Tom S. Peprium’s review of Episode “Criminal Intent” for IGN notes that Mallo and Nia simultaneously appeared, promising intense rivalry and competition, but the second half was left to Nia and Oba gave up on Mallo at some point.

Get Quotes From Near Death Note

“When you are leading a case, you must move forward and if you make mistakes, you should apologize. “”If the puzzle isn’t complete, and you are unable to pick up the puzzles again, you should start over. “

