How to become a Twitter Influencer?

7 min readOct 24, 2023

Hey, I think you’ve seen guys with nft on their profile pictures and posts about good morning, so — they earn good money and they are called Influencers. We’re going to talk about them now, bonus I’ll tell you how to become one of them, sit back and we’ll get started.

But, first, you need to check your subscription on my twitter, do you have it? If not yet, you have time to subscribe, but if yes I’m giving you five, and we really starting!

🤔| Who is a Twitter Influencer and what he does do?

If we talk about an Influencer in general, it is a person who has the weight of words in the community (but in our case on Twitter) and can manage his loyal audience.

Twitter Influencers are different and their type depends on what exactly they promote: Solana or ether nft collections, dash 3 projects, etc. That is if you have a lot of subscribers — a loyal audience, you can do marketing of absolutely everything.

But for this, you need to go a long way from the creation of your account to a loyal audience, which is not so easy.

Twitter Influencers usually create gm/gn posts and threads with really useful information, and memes, sometimes making ammas with other influencers and just posting their lives on Twitter.

🥥| Why do you need this, benefits and perks?

The main benefits of this activity are:

The most basic and enjoyable is money for selling ads, just imagine that you just make a tweet and get paid for it. Ad rates jump around but start at a couple of ten dollars for a simple post.

Respect from other crypto guys, having written a big thread related to web3 you won’t hear feedback from normal people, your target audience will be crypto guys who will give you feedback, for a bonus you can get in touch with them, but more on that later.

Traffic, you can push English-speaking traffic anywhere, you can create your own telegram and sell ads in it or push traffic to someone else’s channel, both ways are maximally profitable.

Allocations, in fact the same as money, but a little different, because you do not know how much the token will cost on the listing and whether you will be able to make money on it.

Ambassadorship programs, ambassadorship is an interesting thing, the entry criteria can be completely different, but any cryptocurrency enthusiast should try it out, most of the time the selection process looks at how you tweet and what your posts are.

And many, many other benefits including discounts, vouchers, subscriptions, etc.

🚨| Main minuses

The minuses are a thing that is absolutely everywhere, but for some reason, no one ever talks about them, even though they are very few.

The main minuses are:

Waitlists, perhaps their main disadvantage is that they are given only on one discord or Twitter account — that is, on the main, which you can not sell and you have to mine the collection of the project, but if you look from the side of Waitlists in strong projects it is even good.

Often blocking accounts, is faced by many beginner Twitter Influencers who do not know that overactivity freezes your account for a few days, but there may be cases of complete blocking if your account is poorly protected.

Then I advise you to connect all possible means of protection, and in case of blocking to challenge the decision through the mail and return your account.

👀| First steps, design.

After telling you about the benefits and disadvantages of this kind of activity I will continue with how to start acting, how to make the first steps?

  1. Creating or buying an account

By creating a new account you fully guarantee yourself safety, but you start from zero, which is not easy.

Buying an old account you will not see any difference, as Twitter can be developed on both old and new accounts. But if we talk about accounts with live followers, then for your start it is ideal, you do not have to take on the difficult task of promoting the account from zero.

2. Design

We’ll start with pfp (profile picture), you can put absolutely anything from hype collections to pictures from Pinterest, and most of all attract attention to nft collections yoots, degods, and other fame collections. You can also put pictures from old nft collections and everyone will think that you drew them yourself.

The bio is an important part of the profile, as it is the first thing the user reads when visiting your profile. In it, it is best to write about what you do and where you work and add more emojis so the bio will look brighter.

Profile header, minimalism is ideal here, take any background and just write your nickname on it in an interesting font, it will be enough.

3. Posts

Gm/gn posts, this is what the entire Twitter feed is built on, I think if you follow any Twitter Influencer you will have noticed that they often publish posts where they say good night or good morning to their followers. These posts are an essential part of any profile to interact with their audience, here are a couple of examples:

You can create these posts in any free photo editor by adding your pfp to any background and text consisting of gm/gn depending on the time of day.

Threads, are informative posts with a squeeze of activity under the drop, and they are what create a good flow of audience, reach, and retention, so here are a couple of examples:

To create them you have two ways, the first is to copy other people’s posts from DeBank, Telegram, and other social networks, which is extremely disrespectful.

The second consists of research and your own presentation of information, which takes a lot of time and effort and gives +rep, but the choice is always yours.

Memes, motivational words, Q&As, and more, help you stay on the same wave with your audience even when there’s nothing to post, here are a couple of examples:

Such posts are created as easily as possible and are aimed at communicating with the audience.

Lifestyle posts, sometimes it’s worth mixing up your routine posts with pictures from life, to show the friendliest possible relationship with your audience, there will be a couple of examples here as well:

These are the kind of Lifestyle posts you can post when you go somewhere or buy something, they are maximally diluting your routine posts.

🧩| Ending

And here is the end of our article, in it, I had time to talk about the types of posts, the first steps of design, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of the influencer.

I believe that you liked this article and you will be waiting for the second part where I will tell more about the promotion of the account.

Subscribe to my Medium and Twitter, and stay tuned for updates, good luck!




Hey, I'm Nnuin and here I will tell you about different themes, about life/gym and motivation, about crypto/web3 & nft's.