Oracle Application Express (APEX) Review

No-code Software
8 min readFeb 10, 2023


What is Oracle Application Express (APEX)?

Oracle APEX is a low-code development platform that requires minimal hand-coding. You can create extensible, encrypted corporate apps with cutting-edge capabilities with Oracle APEX. These apps can then be launched globally.

Oracle APEX Solutions

You have a wide range of options when it pertains to the kinds of practical solutions you can create with Oracle APEX in order to address actual issues regarding your business and give your business immediate results.

The best choice for easily and quickly converting Oracle Forms applications to contemporary web apps is the Oracle APEX. Development becomes easy because the stored procedures and PL/SQL packages are supported locally.

Opportunistic Apps

To fulfill their constantly changing business demands and to remain competitive, organizations have a big stockpile of programs they have to develop. These are often not enterprise apps that could only be needed temporarily, but instead, apps that need to function properly for everyday use. In this case, the apps need to be very quick to develop and simple to modify as needed because the criteria could be vague and the business goals might change quite quickly.

  • Go From Design Concepts To Functioning Prototypes Instantly
  • Application of Minimal-Code Development Standards
  • Quicker Development Process
  • Without Any Added Licensing Fees
Opportunistic Apps Oracle APEX
Opportunistic Apps Oracle APEX

Spreadsheet Replacement

Spreadsheets are used by largely all organizations to distribute and analyze data. But why exactly is that? Because making spreadsheets is super easy for anyone who already has the raw data.

Once the spreadsheets are made, they are frequently shared with coworkers so that the sheet can be updated and modified as necessary. This invariably results in a large number of copies with unique data and seriously faulty business procedures. A single source of information that is kept in a completely secure database and maintained by everyone via browser-based software is a far superior approach.

  • Quickly going From a Spreadsheet to a Web app
  • One Primary Source of Information
  • Leading-edge Security
  • Totally Relational
Spreadsheet Replacement Oracle APEX
Spreadsheet Replacement Oracle APEX

Oracle Forms Modernization

Apps made using Oracle Forms frequently offer an outdated server experience for customers. They might also have inferior usability. Accessibility might also be a concern and users may have trouble operating with different browsers that are not responsive on smartphones and other mobile devices.

Finally, finding talented Oracle Forms developers is sometimes difficult and expensive. Developers can easily switch from Oracle Forms to Oracle APEX as both products are SQL and PL/SQL based and offer declarative programming frameworks.

  • Modernized, Elegant, and Active Web-based Applications
  • Integrated Development Designs
  • Quick Development of Programs
  • Accessibility in Any Web Browser
Oracle Forms Modernization Oracle APEX
Oracle Forms Modernization Oracle APEX

External Data Sharing

It becomes increasingly challenging to change or improve company procedures when it is tough to exchange data with collaborators. Offering an app for clients to use to engage with you — for example, to place an order or review/track progress — can significantly raise satisfaction levels among clients and encourage customers to repurchase the product or services.

But, if you are worried about privacy, server attacks, and the availability of your website, you can prevent these issues by creating public-facing apps via the Oracle Database Cloud Services or a segregated Oracle Database in your DMZ.

  • REST API Integration
  • Develop Custom Software and Bespoke Apps
  • Make Apps and Websites Using Cloud Hosting
External Data Sharing Oracle APEX
External Data Sharing Oracle APEX

Datamart Reporting

It can be quite difficult to get an accurate and comprehensive image of any business as a whole or even inside a single branch. Data is stored across many different systems and prepackaged reports can take hours to create.

And also, they are restricted in what they can show and don’t always give the information needed to make educated marketing decisions. Creating relevant dashboards for different user populations is much easier when using APEX and its broad reporting and data visualization features.

  • Consolidate Data
  • High-Level Protection
  • Detailed and Comprehensive Reporting
  • Fully Functional
Datamart Reporting Oracle APEX
Datamart Reporting Oracle APEX

SaaS and EBS Extensions

ERP systems might provide you with a wide range of capabilities with prepackaged software but they may not always have the reports you want or maybe lack certain features, especially if it is unique to your company or sector.

You can also discover that typical corporate procedures are inefficient if they need an excessive number of steps to finish. In these circumstances, creating an extension using APEX can provide the necessary information or significantly boost productivity and user pleasure.

  • Reporting and Analysis that is Completely Interactive
  • Efficient and Effective Development
  • Custom Software Development
  • Tightly Integrated Systems
SaaS and EBS Extensions Oarcle APEX
SaaS and EBS Extensions Oarcle APEX

Oracle Application Express (APEX) Platform

The newest Oracle APEX Application Development service is the quickest and most affordable method to create and deliver top-notch apps. You won’t have to ever stress about the complexities of load balancers, mid-tiers, encryption, and other things since your APEX Service can be operational at only a moment’s notice.

You may build and run on an already configured, highly scalable, and protected environment with none of the difficulties of maintenance or human labor by using the Oracle APEX Application Development service. You are given all the tools you need to create and distribute apps via the service.

Oracle APEX

By far the most widely used minimal code-required enterprise platform in the world, Oracle APEX has a track record of success in every industry. It gives you the ability to streamline your development and implementation procedures by getting rid of complications throughout the entire technological stack.

Oracle Autonomous Database

By offering efficient and reliable HTTPS direct exposure to sensitive content and data for usage by any system or computer language, Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) makes it simple and easy to provide REST APIs for data and saved processes in your Oracle APEX Application Development services.

Oracle REST Data Services

All apps are usually hosted on Exadata hardware found on the Oracle Cloud. Which not only offers unparalleled manufacturing availability and scalability but also integrated coordination and regulation. It also provides you with top-of-the-line protection to reduce risks, and much more. For legitimate business operations, catastrophe prevention, and regional compliance needs, this technology is also accessible throughout widely diverse areas.

Oracle Exadata on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

All apps are usually hosted on Exadata hardware found on the Oracle Cloud. Which not only offers unparalleled manufacturing availability and scalability but also integrated coordination and regulation. It also provides you with top-of-the-line protection to reduce risks, and much more. For legitimate business operations, catastrophe prevention, and regional compliance needs, this technology is also accessible throughout widely diverse areas.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Oracle APEX

Creation of apps with minimal coding required. App development is sped up by a directed method and a comprehensive, browser-based, user-friendly graphical interface.

Agile software development. Instead of requiring a complex expansion process that requires multiple steps to deploy, programmers can instead, incorporate reforms to make improvements — often instantaneously.

Automation of administration. Automates tedious tasks that are susceptible to mistakes to supply, expand, protect, create backups of, and maintain the complete application stack.

Simplicity of management. The simplicity of administration and management through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, SDKs (Software Development Kits), and public REST APIs.

Vigorous visualization of data. Give people the tools they need to quickly and easily uncover new data-driven insights.

Alteration of spreadsheets. Turn a normal spreadsheet into a completely working app with personalized interfaces, graphs, reports, and forms only with a couple of clicks of your mouse.

Disadvantages of Oracle APEX

It might be challenging to modify a program using the APEX infrastructure since there are predefined requirements for how an APEX app should function. The developer is vulnerable to vendor lock-in since APEX applications can only be deployed in an Oracle server and are developed using Oracle’s proprietary toolset

Oracle APEX Pricing

  • Application Development — $ 0.32 per hour
  • Autonomous Transaction Processing — $ 118.40 per month


It’s no surprise that APEX’s reputation has risen in the past couple of years as more businesses learn how fast and straightforward it is to create fully effective web-based apps with this surprisingly strong system.

Therefore, we advise you to test out this low-code platform if you’re intrigued by it. It may not be appropriate for small companies, and it may be challenging to master, but it offers many strong attributes that can outweigh its shortcomings.


What is Oracle APEX used for?

Oracle APEX can be used for a variety of cases, as follows:

  • To create software that displays an integrated perspective of the data in interactive reports, data visualizations, interfaces, and other formats. You can also make apps with ease that are appropriate for a particular line of businesses, a specific division, or the overall company.
  • Use completely filled-out Oracle Database tables and related APEX apps as a unified record system to replace spreadsheets that are susceptible to error.
  • Build custom software for various organizational contexts and sectors. Revise, test, and evaluate programs as soon as possible.
  • Create apps quickly for collaborators, clients, and other external users, or offer unique REST endpoints for exchanging data files.

Improve the efficiency and convenience of current Oracle Forms apps without worrying about their functionality. It has a modern, browser-based, and smartphone user interface that should be used instead.

What is APEX Architecture?

There are three aspects to the architecture of Oracle APEX. These contain the web browser, REST Data Services (for the web listeners), and an Oracle Database that contains the Oracle APEX. One of the main benefits of this architecture is the segregation of the database layer and the mid-tier.

What is the Purpose of Oracle APEX?

With the help of Oracle APEX, you can create attractive, accessible, and protected apps with top-notch functionality that you can host from anywhere. APEX allows developers to swiftly create and release engaging apps that address actual issues and deliver value right away.



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