Why You Must Be A Philosopher

Noah Weddigen
5 min readJun 29, 2023


The biggest problem with today’s society is a lack of critical thinking.

A lack of self awareness. Lack of staying true to what they believe.

We lack depth.

This comes from a lack of questioning.

We’re missing the “why.”

Take a look around and you’ll realize how surface level we’ve become.

Everyday we get closer to Fahrenheit 451 (by Ray Bradbury).

More distractions.

More obsession with TikTok and gossip.

Drama and quick fixes.

Here take some drugs, you’ll feel better.

Go have sex with 5 people, you’ll get over your ex.

And the worst part?

Most people do it.

No thought involved.

They don’t stop to think whether it’s actually a good idea.

Whether it will actually help them.

And not just for the moment, or the next day.

But for real.

Will this benefit my life in the long term?

I could go on and on giving examples.

Ranting about how painfully obvious this lack of depth truly is.

And I will. I will give you examples.

Over the top examples.

Extreme examples, because this is how I best understand things.

But before I do.

You could stop reading right now.

You could question all of this. Sit and ponder your life.

What are you doing on a daily basis?

What are your thoughts?

Are you thinking for yourself of letting other people do it for you?

Time for some examples!!!

The fun begins. HAHAHA.

Should you murder people?

Yes or no?

Should you go around killing people?

Yes, it is an act that you should commit.

Or no, it is not an act you should commit.

Did we all say no?

We’re all on the same page here?


Now why?

Why should you not murder people?

  • Because you’ll go to prison?
  • Because you’ll feel guilty?
  • You shouldn’t take life away from someone else?

All pretty good reasons.

But what if I spent the next 10 minutes convincing you that murder is actually great?

It’s super fun. Beneficial to the world at large.

Would you believe me?

Hopefully not.

But let’s add in 1 tiny little piece of information.

To save your entire family you have to murder someone.

Now what?

Or even more extreme.

Kill 1 person, save the entire world from mass extension.

Now should you commit murder?

This is called a philosophical question.

Being a philosopher is essential.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates.

Thinking for yourself is essential.

Questioning everything is essential.

This is how you find purpose.

Find meaning in your life.

The example is extreme, but it gets the point across.

You have to think and question.

Search for depth.

Let’s look at another example:

Gun to your head.

You have to save either your coworker, or your mom.

Who are you saving?

Your coworker who you’ve known for a year.

Or your mom who raised you for 22 years, who you’ve spent nearly everyday with.

Who have you built more depth with?

Have a deeper relationship with?

Your mom. 99.9% of people will save their mom.

Because of the depth of the relationship.

And the .01% who wouldn’t…

Because of the depth of their relationship.

But negative depth (Negativity and trauma).

One more:

What’s more fulfilling?

A 30 second TikTok.


A deep 30 min conversation.

Which lasts longer in your mind?

Which do you walk away from thinking about?

The deep conversation could be a pivotal moment in your life.

Change the entire course of your life.

The TikTok will get you about 33 seconds of pleasure.

Maybe 1 minute if it was really a great TikTok.

Think about this…

A 3 minute conversation with depth, honesty and vulnerability could be 100X more impactful than a 30 minute conversation about gossip.

10 days away from your wife will be perceived as 1000X worse than the rest of your life without some random acquaintance from high school.

The question: Who am I?

Can be pondered and thought upon for your entire life.

What do I eat tonight?

Well that lasts for a few minutes. A few hours if you’re really indecisive.

I hope this is getting across to you.

I can’t tell you how to think.

That’s why this article is filled with examples.

That’s why I tell you it is essential to be a philosopher.

In case you’re confused I’ll make things simple and clear for you.

The BIG Problem: Letting other people think for you.

This will lead you to a life you do not want.

A life you did not ask for. A life you did not even realize you were getting.

It’s like showing up to your house, and everything has been moved.

All the furniture was replaced.

Your dogs are gone, your family is gone.

Replaced by random people.

That’s what happens when you let other people think for you.

The BIG benefit: Purpose.

Meaning in life.

Purpose has to sit at the top of your hierarchy.

Depth and meaning must come before temporary pleasure and comfort.

How do you create depth?

When you question, you find meaning. You create depth.

The answer is always to dive deeper.

Keep questioning.

Keep asking “why?”

Why is the most powerful question we can ask.

On a date with a girl?

Ask her “why?”

  • Why is that your favorite movie?
  • Why do you have that interest?
  • Why did you pick that school?
  • Why do you want to be that?
  • Why? Why? Why? Why?

Why can always go deeper.

  • Why dedicate your time?
  • Why do you hold those beliefs?
  • Why do you want what you want?
  • Why do you not want a certain life?
  • Why do you want to achieve those goals?

You will realize everything is an iceberg of depth.

Each question can be questioned another 5 times.

Let your curiosity guide you.

Monetize Your Mind.



Noah Weddigen

Modern Day Philosopher | Writer | Building a $1 Personal Brand to Escape The Matrix.