[Photo Description: two chairs on the beach under an umbrella][Photo Credit: Jonas Ferlin at Pexels]

Prompts for Writing/Drawing

Noah Wizard
2 min readJan 30, 2020
  • Under the Umbrella
  • Pairs
  • It Burns! Keep It Away!
  • Too Much of a Good Thing
  • Well Trodden
  • Casting Shade
  • Frothing in front of Us
  • Abandoned Property

Under the Umbrella by Noah Wizard

I’ve had too many things I was trying to do for so long.

I had what’s called “an embarrassment of riches.”

That’s when you have more things than go together, and you have to let some fall by the wayside to make room for prominent, important parts of your work.

I have a book on my shelf about this, it’s called “Like No Other Store in the World: The Story of Bloomingdale's.” And what I learned from it was that back in the day, the only stores were general stores; stores sold what people liked to buy, and there was never any theme to it.

The idea of leaving something out, simply because it didn’t go with that season’s line?


But that’s what Bloomingdale’s had to do, and that’s what I’ve done.

Some things were allowed to fall by the wayside, and everything else that could, stayed but was put under the umbrella of the main project that I’ve been working on.

It’s been nice to finally have a flagship product; it’ll be nicer when the flagship product is done, but it’s nice that I know which project to put energy into, instead of trying to do too much.

cartoon of noah wizard, man with glasses, pencil behind his ear
Noah Wizard, Self-Help Cartoonist

“Writing” is hard, when we think we have to think something up, but Julia Cameron reminded us that much of writing is just “getting something down.”
Want to learn to type your thoughts, instead of staring at a blank document? Sign up for the Start Typing Challenge, Prompts by Noah Wizard
Each email contains unseen prompts, each taken from a beautiful photograph like the one pictured above.
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