Why Stability Is Essential For Longevity

Noah Cracknell
7 min readFeb 10, 2022
Photo by Andrew Patrick from Pexels

As we move through life the vestibular system is constantly working to figure out how fast we’re going, where we’re going, and how quickly we’ll get there. The vestibular system is composed of many structures and tracts, but the main components are what make up the vestibular labyrinth. They include the semicircular canals, otolith organs, cochlea, and receptors for vestibular sensations.

Together this sensory system is responsible for communicating to other regions of the brain and body about motion, head position, and spatial orientation. The accuracy of this system is paramount for maintaining balance and equilibrium in everything you do.

As we age, this system decays. And as it decays, our risk of experiencing an injury, or even death, related to falling increases. In the United States, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths (WHO). Globally it’s estimated that 684,000 individuals die from falls every year. Furthermore, 37.3 million falls are severe enough to require medical attention every year. And, those who do experience significant injuries from falling are more likely to live sedentary lives due to their injuries, which, as we know, is not…



Noah Cracknell

BSc Health Sciences || Growth @ Superset || Top Writer in Health || Attempting to live in 3 centuries.