Military Extraterrestrial Witnesses

A list of eyewitnesses that still amazes me today.

Noah Hradek
8 min readFeb 11, 2023
Alien with a spacesuit
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

One thing that always amazes me in the recent discourse of unidentified flying objects is the vast amount of ignorance concerning military sightings. Often we just discuss recent encounters as if they started yesterday. Yet this goes back decades, even to the 1950s. I can count the number of military eyewitnesses on more than two hands. Often they are pilots but not always. Some even claimed to have met extraterrestrials and have fairly good repute and sourcing for these claims. They obtained ranks up to Colonel and had extensive service records.

Now maybe some of them are lying, but I doubt all of them are. There are so many that are swept under the rug it amazes me, yet whistleblowers like Snowden and Chelsea Manning have gotten all the airtime. I think these other witnesses are dismissed because their claims frankly do sound out there, but I don’t think they’re all lying entirely. I respect these men who have served our nation and want to give them more attention. I find this fascinating and the most important subject right now, in my opinion, because it changes the future of humanity. So let’s look at a few of these witnesses first.

David Fravor & Alex Dietrich

Fravor was in the news a while back for his encounter over the Pacific ocean. His story is usually the least interesting from my perspective because he just saw a few lights. But he’s one of the few that has official confirmation from the Pentagon for his experiences. Usually, the DOD responds with denial to stories like these, but in this case, they were more forthcoming. He encountered objects that were traveling thousands of miles per hour doing maneuvers that no conventional airplane at the time could do.

The object had no visible method of propulsion and was also seen by another pilot Alex Dietrich as they tried to identify what the object was. Following the encounter, they were debriefed, but no official investigation was launched into it. I wonder if there is any documentation of the incident that will be released in the future.

Fravor and Dietrich are among many pilots that had strange encounters, and I still wonder what they really saw. Was it just human technology from a foreign or domestic government, or something otherwordly? Pilots are usually well-trained to spot enemy aircraft and other objects, so if anyone should know whether an object is a conventional aircraft, it should be them. I think we will continue to see more stories like his as we enter into a new and stranger world.

Phillip Corso

Photo of robert corso
Robert Corso (Wikimedia commons)

Lt. Colonel Corso served in the Army during WWII under General Trudeau. He worked for the foreign technology division at the Pentagon, working on captured Russian technology and other more “exotic” technology as well. In his work, he helped move extraterrestrial technology from Wright-Patternson Base to various sites around the country and contributed to the proliferation of extraterrestrial technology in the mainstream.

He claimed that the Roswell incident was a real extraterrestrial craft and that we recovered it, and it was sent to Wright Field in Ohio. Much of our modern technology is based on the technology recovered there. Fiber optics, miniaturized transistors, mind-interface technology. The spacecraft could be operated telepathically, according to him, and these beings could affect the human mind and more. The government was worried their intentions were hostile, and that is why they covered it up, according to him.

In his view, the SDI and the vast nuclear arsenal we had at the time, in addition to serving as a deterrent to the Russians, were also to protect the United States from extraterrestrial visitors with malevolent intentions. Corso describes the beings that were recovered and how the military handled them.

If we believed the heart and lungs seemed bioengineered for long distance travel so, too, was the creature’s skeletal tissue. Although it was in a state of advanced decomposition, the creature’s bones looked to the army medical examiners to be fibrous, actually thinner than comparable human bones such as the ribs, sternum, clavicle, and pelvis. Pathologists speculated that the bones were more flexible than human bones and had a resiliency that might be related to the function of shock absorbers. More brittle human bones might more easily shatter under the stresses these alien entities must have been routinely subjected to. However, with a flexible skeletal frame, these entities appeared well suited for potential shocks and physical traumas of extreme forces and could withstand the fractures that would cripple human space travelers in a similar environment.

— Day After Roswell, Gallery Books, Phillip Corso and William Birnes

The being was described as engineered to survive a long period in deep space, and the whole recovered spacecraft seemed like it was designed to monitor and control humans from afar. Corso also described how the spacecraft levitated since it didn’t use conventional chemical rocket propulsion. It used some sort of electromagnetic propulsion system that gave it anti-gravitic effects.

The military saw potential in the technology but was also worried about the consequences of what these beings brought and fears over public panic, and that’s why there was a coverup. Was Corso telling the truth mostly? Time will tell, there have been some claims of discrepancies in his account with his actual service record, but a lot of what he claimed about his record was true.

William Tompkins

I’ve been reading a book by Bill Tompkins, who was a designer who worked for Douglas Aircraft. He came to fame when he got in trouble for his eerily accurate ship models. They thought he was a spy despite being only a child and questioned him as to how he knew how accurate the ship models were. Later he claimed to have worked on designs for spaceships and space stations on the moon and around the solar system after leaving the Navy. This was all supposed to have been implemented later in the 60s with the Solar Warden program and later ensuing space programs hidden from the public eye. He also had a blonde secretary who he flirted with and communicated with telepathically, whom he claimed was an extraterrestrial from off-world.

Tompkins has an extensive track record and even has slips from his work at the naval air station to confirm some of his story. His story corroborates what was known by Gary McKinnon and even some other witnesses who have made these claims with questionable repute, like they were supersoldiers on Mars. Maybe those claims aren’t true, but I actually think Tompkins is telling his version of the truth. Maybe the others are as well, and in time we will uncover more about what was really going on.

Charles Hall

Charles is a man I had the pleasure of emailing many years ago. He is an ordinary, straightforward man who had extraordinary encounters. He was an airman who was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and then went to Indian Springs. It was at Indian Springs, where he wasn’t told of his actual mission, but he was just supposed to create weather reports. He did this while also reading books on Physics and the area's local history to pass the time. As he was out on the ranges, however, he noticed something strange.

Quasi-human-looking beings that were all white and dressed in jumpsuits would come out and hide behind bushes to spy on him. At first, he thought they were animals or spirits, and he heard legends of “Range Four Harry” and other stories. He thought he was crazy at first but later realized his encounters were real. I think he had real experiences that he still is trying to process. He learned about the beings he called “tall whites” and befriended a few of them. He said they would go into Vegas to gamble and would eat out but never eat the actual food. He also had experiences with the traditional grays and nordic looking humans from off-world that looked exactly like Scandinavians. He made other claims, like the military was setting up bases on other planets.

He has proof of his military record and stationing posts. Whether the rest is true, I don’t know. I think his story is mostly accurate, and he had real off-world experiences. He seems credible, and the story, although far out, has some legitimacy to me. That seems to be supported by what other whistleblowers have said and supports their claims.

Charles Halt

The Rendleshem case is a bit different than the others here because it was seen by hundreds of people and has much more documentation. Others like John Burroughs also encountered an unknown object. Halt and his fellow servicemembers encountered a glowing object one night while on patrol near RAF Woodbridge. He was dismissed as a drunk by prominent scientists, but hundreds of others saw similar objects at the time. The object had unknown writing on it, and information was communicated to them telepathically. There was also some physical evidence, like increased radiation levels around the area where the unidentified object was seen. In addition, Halt said that he had confessions from radar operators that they had confirmation of an object seen that day.

What was seen by many servicemembers near Rendleshem is unknown, but it will likely be studied for decades to come. Nick Pope, a former MOD official, has talked extensively about the case, and I would suggest looking at his testimony to learn more about what the British know. Maybe there’s some hidden evidence or classified files that will be released with the real story of what actually happened over those few days.


There are many more witnesses than this, and I think more will come forward in time. If this were a court of law, there is enough evidence to support some sort of human-extraterrestrial contact at a large enough scale. I’m not sure what their agenda is; maybe it is malevolent or neutral. I’m skeptical we will ever know the full truth, but in time hopefully, this will be disclosed and open on a larger scale.

For further research I would look at researchers like Michael Salla, and Richard Dolan. I’ve followed the work of Dr. Michael Salla, a political scientist, and he, despite the stigma, seems to have done many interviews and research into the subject, and while I have reservations about some of his interviewees, what he has learned seems consistent to much of what I have learned as well. I feel in the future, his field of exopolitics will become much larger and more widely accepted. As we continue into the millennium, I think we will learn more, maybe for good or not so good, and learn what is really going on.

