What Have We Learned about Alien Abductions?

Karla Turner was probably right.

Noah Hradek
3 min readJan 18, 2024
DNA Experiment
DNA Experiment

I remember a skeptic on here saying that “All the alien contact-related cases were frauds” after supposedly 30 years of research. Yet age does not imply wisdom, and supposed research does not indicate breadth of knowledge. I have researched this subject for over a decade, not full-time, usually part-time while other obligations like work-related issues got in the way. Yet this research has played a major part in my life, changing my decisions and actions. Recently, I proved something I thought I would never prove. The United States Government has been collaborating with ETs on abducting humans for some “genetic program.”

Dan Sherman said he assisted in over 20 abductions over his short stint of a few years. Despite all the training, he didn’t participate in that many abductions. However, the abduction program according to him has been going on since 1960 and may still be going on. I asked GPT to determine how many abductions likely happened in those 34 years. It determined a low estimate of around 1,733 abductions and a high estimate of 143,112 abductions. This is a moderate disparity but still indicates a major difference in the number of abductions. These modifications get passed down in new generations indicating millions of people likely have these mutations by now. In the United States after two generations GPT estimates up to 489,600 individuals may have the gene, but as few as 6,120 could have it.

The most likely number of individuals with the gene after two generations was estimated to be around 247,860. This is still a quarter of a million civilians and would impact a significant enough percentage of the population. Despite this, PPD will still constitute the largest genetic experiment on American citizens in American history and probably world history. This gene seems to support “intuitive communications” with ET races like the grays, which I think was partly its intended effect. However, Dan Sherman also describes an upcoming solar event that precipitated the program. When electronic communications were down, PPD was supposed to help people communicate over large distances.

Dan Sherman indicated this was a global program and who knows how long before ETs manipulated human genetics. Thousands of years before that even. What was the goal and ultimate agenda? We may never know, since much of this program is still in the dark. What we do know, is that it was extensive and involved the NSA extensively which was ingesting the data that Dan Sherman provided such as coordinates and pain levels. Whatever, they were doing it was extensive and large-scale, enough to warrant the kind of secrecy around the program. I’m amazed Dan isn’t dead after revealing the program.

I think the confirmation of Dan Sherman’s story and the proof that PPD is real should be a warning to us all not to dismiss or take lightly other stories told by former military and even contractors of underground alien bases, firefights underground, and secretive moon bases where horrific events happened. I would advise everyone to read Above Black and determine for themselves what the truth of the matter is. I don’t think this is all bad, yet what are we to do if we are just another genetically modified organism that’s probably been modified for thousands of years if what many ET whistleblowers say is correct?

Karla Turner, the famed researcher indicates the ET abduction agenda was pervasive and thousands had been abducted. This has been going on since at least I was a teenager from what I can remember. After confirmation of PPD, I would reevaluate all the abduction literature, knowing that we have confirmation the NSA was involved in at least some abductions. We may never know the full story, but at least we can confirm that abductions strongly have a genetic component and this is likely why they run in families. I think more will be revealed eventually, enlightening all of humanity about the real reasons for PPD.

