How to Gain Your First 1,000 Followers on Medium

I did it in 86 days. Try to beat me.

Noah Miller


(Reaches 1,000 followers) *Immediately writes a post on how to hit 1,000 followers*

My path from 0 to 1,000 was much faster than expected.

In this post, I will share all my actionable secrets so you can do the same and earn along the way.

In case you think Medium could only pay enough for a couple of highly addictive Starbucks cake pops a month, you’re mistaken.

In only the last 26 days (of my 3rd-month writing), I have made over $500!

As someone who used to receive only $1 per 1,000 views from my YouTube days — this is a massive step up for only 7,500 views!

I show you this because if a schlub like me can do it — you absolutely can too (and more)! If money is a strong motivator for you, hopefully this can serve as some perspective on what’s possible.

Table of Contents

  • First 10 Posts
  • Understanding the Algorithm
  • 3 Metrics that Matter
  • Know Your Audience
  • Titles and Thumbnails

First 10 Posts

Don’t pay attention to views until you post at least 10 articles. It’s too easy to put your heart and energy into writing only to be discouraged from…



Noah Miller

Passionate about start-ups, technology, storytelling, and productivity.