Does lifting weight stunt growth?

Nobel clk
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


Teenagers can benefit greatly from strength training. In order to reduce the danger of harm and long-term damage, parents must be aware of how and when to allow their children to start.

Several beliefs concerning children’s health appear to pass down across generations. Who hasn’t heard the old wives’ story that if you cross your eyes for too long, they’ll remain crossed forever, for instance? Another persistent fallacy is that children and teenagers shouldn’t lift weights because, according to the notion, doing so can hinder a child’s growth.

Many people believe that children and adolescents should avoid strength training and weight lifting because it might strain or destroy bone growth plates, resulting in restricted growth. Yet, there is no evidence or studies to support this. You might be shocked to hear that, when done appropriately and securely, lifting weights can have a positive impact on your developing teen’s health and body.

So what are some benefits of lifting weights for teenagers ?

Solid bones Strength exercise can promote bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis by placing stress on your bones.

Take care of your weight Strength training may aid in weight management or loss, and it helps speed your metabolism so that you can burn more calories.

Organize chronic illnesses Several chronic illnesses, including arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression, and diabetes, might have their signs and symptoms lessened by strength training.

by — Nobel CLK



Nobel clk

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