nobi hossain
5 min readNov 1, 2018



White paper:

What is Curaizon?

We’re solving an enormous real-world problem by helping patients take their medications properly
Every day, millions of people fail to take their medications as prescribed and the resulting personal and financial costs are staggering. Worldwide, non-adherence results in $700 billion in avoidable medical costs.
The data we create is unique and has enormous value to pharmaceutical companies, researchers and governments.
Every time a patient uses our CuraServe technology, our data grows in utility and value.

Curaizon™ solves drug non-adherence problem by deploying our technology through national health services. As part of our solution, we collect fully anonymized data about how and when patients take medications.
CuraTokens™ are the only way to access our data. Tokens can be redeemed to access the data, which will advance medical research, drive down healthcare costs and save lives.
The value of a CuraToken™ is based on a real solution to a real problem.

Why Is Their Medical Data So Valuable?

The total number of potential users of their platform includes all the patients covered by national health services across the world. This is a total of 1.4 Billion patients and growing.7 because they collect multiple data points on each patient every day; they rapidly build an overall picture of not only a patient’s adherence, but also their behavior. They can model behavior using their AI and machine learning systems by storing the various data points including: additional visits to a doctor, hospitalizations, biometrics and other healthcare provider interactions; their offering allows healthcare professionals and family members to know not only a patient’s current well-being, but also a view into their likely future performance. With this information, healthcare providers can employ early interventions and proactive responses to medical events that could become unsafe or even deadly to the patient.

The reason that their data is so valuable is that it simply doesn’t exist anywhere else. Today, there is no accurate, real-time adherence or behavioral data for patients taking medications. There are examples of people selling personal data for as much as $100 per month. However, basic health records can be purchased for between $7-$25. These, however, have no capacity to predict future behavior, or inform best practice or optimize drug prescribing protocols.

Drug Non-Adherence — A Global Problem

Medicines are their most cost-effective health intervention and represent the first line of defense against chronic and long-term conditions. Hundreds of millions of people take them every day. However, medicines are only effective if used correctly. Whether it’s insulin to treat diabetes, a beta blocker to treat hypertension or levothyroxine to treat thyroid disease, medicines help improve their quality of life, save money, and in many cases, keep us alive.

Despite a worldwide recognition of the seriousness of the issue, and global efforts to improve medication adherence, there has been no significant change for the last 30 years. A few statistics:

  • According to a report published by the World Health Organization, only about 50% of people in developed countries take their medications properly;
  • Drug non-adherence accounts for over 50% of visits to a doctor, 40% of long term care admissions and more than 50% of hospital readmissions;
  • Worldwide drug non-adherence results in approximately$700 billion in additional healthcare costs;
  • The cost of treating a patient with low adherence is twice that of patient with high adherence;
  • Healthcare costs for non-adherent patients can be as much as $2,000 per patient per year in additional doctor visits alone.

Curaizon Ecosystem


As they probe billions of data points and build their deep learning analysis tools, Curaizon can better inform concepts such as prescribing practices, treatment optimization, multi-morbidity efficiencies and red-flag issues that exist within drug groupings, demographics and other specific problems within the value-chain of care. This data and information will drive major efficiencies within healthcare, improving the quality of care and drastically improving patient outcomes while reducing waste. By providing healthcare services with effective tools, Curaizon can help deliver the kind of services patients and healthcare providers want and need.

Patient Dashboard

Within their technology it is possible for patients to login to their own dashboards/accounts, via the App or Web, and immediately see their progress and status. They can monitor and benchmark themselves against others within their peer group. This adds a level of gamification that increases engagement and builds understanding, trust and transparency. It also provides the option for patients to add reminders for medications that were procured over-the-counter. Such examples might be a birth control pill or vitamin supplements. In addition, the patient can change the destination or vary charitable donations that are made on their behalf. They put patients in control and make them a stakeholder in their own care.

Provider Dashboard

Healthcare providers can view their patient’s adherence and well-being in real-time via the CuraServe™ dashboard. The information provided allows them to see their most at-risk patients and decide upon the best course of action based upon actual data. This puts healthcare providers all over the world in control and gives them the ability to be proactive, rather than simply reactive, for the first time. The provider can further interrogate the data to discover a host of potential optimization opportunities.

Token Details:

  • PRE SALE: 1 JUN 2018–8 JUN 2018 (0.2 USD = 1.0 CTKN)
  • PUBLIC SALE: 8 JUN 2018–31 OCT 2018 (0.2 USD = 1.0 CTKN)
  • SOFT CAP -
  • HARD CAP: 25,000,000 USD
  • TOTAL TOKENS: 500,000,000
  • BOUNTY -




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nobi hossain

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