When the phallic enters — reflection on the a feminist philosophy seminar

Reflection on the effect of attacking questions when the aim is to create a space for thinking together.

Nicole des Bouvrie
5 min readAug 18, 2019

Some weeks ago I attended a feminist philosophy seminar. A whole week, organised by the Nordic Summer University, in which in total nine different weekly seminars are held simultaneously. One of which I have been attending now for three years: the feminist philosophy circle led by three courageous women. It is an interdisciplinary group, without hierarchies, where bachelor students and emiritus professors get equal space and attention, and increasingly intersectional. It is a week I long for, look forward to, every year. I am not sure what to do without it anymore. And why? Because somehow during their seminars this group manages to create a space where thinking can happen together.

This summer was no exception. And one particular session taught me once again, how delicate that balance is that is needed to achieve this special type of space. And how easily it can be destroyed — and with it, destroy some of the people involved.

So, what happened?

One morning the feminist philosophy circle had a joint session with another circle. The presenter in that session was…



Nicole des Bouvrie

Writer, teacher & freelance philosopher, PhD. Author of "Why philosophers are crazy” (Damon, 2018). Dutch. https://www.nobyeni.com