Welcoming Suzie Grange as Co-Founder and CTO at Noula Health

Noelle Acosta
3 min readJun 23, 2022


We are thrilled to welcome Suzie Grange (she/her) as Co-Founder and CTO at Noula Health. As Co-Founder & CTO, Suzie will be a thought partner and operator in executing Noula’s technical product and engineering strategy.

Suzie joins Noula following extensive experience across the tech and startup ecosystem. Most recently, she was a senior engineer at Meta, where she worked on key initiatives on the React Apps team.

Prior to Meta, Suzie was integral to women’s health unicorn Maven Clinic’s formation, launch, and success, where in addition to engineering leadership, her role spanned product, growth, and UX, with the company growing from 0 to 250+ employees, and raising $90m+ in funding during her tenure.

Why Suzie is excited to join Noula

“It’s no secret that healthcare has historically overlooked and underserved women and underrepresented groups. Thankfully, some progress has gradually been made in recent years, however, I believe the future lies in truly personalized, supportive healthcare, where each individual feels seen and empowered in their choices and decisions around their health and wellness.

While I can’t begin to understand the full extent of the frustration and lack of trust that so many folks experience in our healthcare system, as a queer-identified woman, I have experienced first-hand uncomfortable interactions with providers making assumptions about my reproductive health choices, and am passionate about building a product and company in which every individual feels authentically seen and heard,” Suzie says.

“Noula was founded with empathy and inclusivity at its core, and I believe that listening to our members without assumptions or judgment, empowering them with data to advocate for themselves, and being both humble and exceptional in the support we provide, is fundamental in Noula becoming a true partner in each member’s reproductive journey.

While we are still early in the company’s journey, I’m beyond excited by Noula’s mission to reduce biases and disparities in healthcare by empowering our members to make informed, supported decisions about their health, and to further the amazing work Noelle has done so far to get Noula’s Beta product out into the world.”

How Suzie takes care of herself outside of work

Eating healthily and supporting her body and mind with delicious vegan food is important — but balanced with a good dose of baked goods! She’s found that being able to switch off and go for long, technology-free walks or zone out on an elliptical has proven to be very helpful from a mental health standpoint, as well as having nudges from her Apple Watch to keep on track exercise-wise on days where work or life get too busy.

We couldn’t be more excited to have Suzie join us in our mission to deliver better reproductive health support for all. Her technical expertise and experience building an impactful digital health solution from the ground up will allow us to take Noula to new heights.

Learn more about Noula Health here.



Noelle Acosta

Women’s Health Optimist | Founder & CEO @ Noula Health