Marrying for Financial Stability: Not a Bad Thing

2 min readMar 27, 2023


If you marry a man or woman , with no consideration for financial security, you are foolish. I know what you’re probably thinking right now. In no shape or form am I a gold digger. But marrying someone for love, while ignoring financial security, results in divorce.

Everyone should want stability, first in their own lives, then in a partner. Of course, financial instability is a possibility for couples, but those who work to get it are less likely to experience it and to suffer significantly. As a result, you and your partner may be receptive to addressing financial issues during your marriage and may both understand saving, budgeting, and how to cut back on unnecessary spending.

I can’t even begin to count the number of women I know who married men they “loved” before discovering five years later that their husbands were still working part time at jobs that paid $18 per hour while their wives were working full-time jobs and handling all the household expenses, and that he was doing little to nothing. As a result, they ended up HATING their “loved” husbands. On the other side, every educated man I know has married an educated woman who also has a decent career. When one fails it’s easier to carry on as the other searches for a job.

Getting married makes financial sense, especially for people who have widely disparate incomes. I’m not claiming that money is the only deciding factor in pairing up. For most of us, love transcends money. But we humans have the capacity to fall in love with lots of people. And there’s no shame in targeting your swooning on someone who can provide you with a higher standard of living. A 2019 study by Insider and Morning Consult showed that 26% of millennials are delaying marriage because of money compared to 8% of baby boomers. Marrying for financial stability is a personal decision that varies from person to person. Some people prioritize financial stability over other factors when choosing a partner, while others prioritize love and compatibility.

There are pros and cons to marrying for financial stability. On the one hand, it can provide a sense of security and stability in life. It can also allow for more opportunities and experiences that may not have been possible otherwise. On the other hand, it can lead to a lack of emotional connection and fulfillment in the relationship if it is based solely on financial gain.

Ultimately, the decision to marry for financial stability should be based on individual circumstances and priorities. It is important to consider all factors when making such a significant decision.




Writing is my favorite mode of self-expression. I'm a writer & multifaceted creative bringing ideas to life & helping companies achieve their marketing goals.