Coding Tips

Noel Pulido
3 min readMar 26, 2023


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

I recently had a full-stack E-commerce project made in React that involves saving and retrieving data, fetching API data and some UI designs. In this kind of project as a new developer, it gets me excited to code and see the result. Some or most of the beginners like me, tends to skip important steps, that results into hard to fix errors, or hard to modify designs and codes. These are the lessons i have learned:

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

1. Plan

In my case, on a react project, check and see what features can be a component. And do a timetable for time management.

You can try writing your plan in a piece of paper, do a blue print.

Or use whatever program where you can do your planning.

Some coders, just visualize it in their head but personally I don't recommend it.

If you have something to look at of what to do, in most cases, it will be a continuous progress.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

2. Don’t be frustrated

There are codes or bugs that you cannot fix and you already spent few hours or sometimes days. Take a break! Ask google or if you know someone, ask for help. Sometimes what you need is a fresh and well rested body and mind. For me this works and most of the times, with the clear mind, i solved the problems.

Photo by Jonny Kennaugh on Unsplash

3. Exercise, get some sunlight!

Please do some exercises and get some sunlight. Not only for coders but for everyone, exercising reduces stress and anxiety. Go outside, and see Mr. Golden Sun. One benefit of getting sunlight is it also decreases stress, improves sleep and even our mental health.

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

4. Coding is not everything

Some of are thinking of codes 24 hours a day (I am just exaggerating). Don't forget you have friends and family. You also need to socialize, take a break from coding once in a while.

This are my tips based on my experience and hope it helps!

