Personal sacrifice to achieve success

2 min readAug 27, 2023


Great successes are worthy of admiration because they imply a great personal sacrifice, because the price of transformation is usually high and it is essential to do a great job on oneself in order to materialize dreams.

Even if you are working on projects that you love, success involves personal sacrifice, because to succeed you have to give up many things and satisfying experiences, that is where most people do not want to pay the price, because there is a marked tendency of subconscious programming to remain under the same conditions and if you fall into neglect, you can even fall to a more disadvantageous point.

If you establish POWERFUL GOALS, you will feel that this level of personal sacrifice will be less, because an impressive energy will emanate from within you and will guide your steps so that you begin to move forward focused and with the full determination to succeed.

If you practice CREATIVE VISUALIZATION every day, you will also find it much easier to focus on what you want, because the subconscious power will gradually begin to create the optimal conditions for your expectations to be fulfilled.

The creative power is designed to help you, however, you must make clear what are the results you want and this requires a level of personal sacrifice, you just need to create a strong initial impulse that calls the attention of YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS, then everything will be much easier, because once the flow of results begins, motivation will increase.

