Snapchat Planets: Meaning and Order in Detailed Explanation (2024)

9 min readJun 7, 2024


Out of all the beloved social media platforms, Snapchat stands out for constantly creating new ways to bring friends closer together. First, they introduced Streaks, and now we have Snapchat Planets, a premium feature available with Snapchat+ subscription. It’s like our solar system, with eight planets orbiting the sun, but in the world of Snapchat Planets.

Snapchat is super popular with young folks. About 414 million people hop on Snapchat every day, as per Backlinko. Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz about Snapchat Planets.

This article will guide you through understanding Snapchat Planets better, from how to activate it to locating your friends among the planets. Plus, you’ll discover additional benefits of Snapchat+, aside from this one. So, get ready for what’s coming next.

Exploring your designated planet can offer insights into how you use social media and interact online. This feature brings a fun twist to Snapchat, encouraging users to engage with friends in fresh ways.

However, many individuals are unaware of what it entails, how to utilize it, or the advantages it offers.

Meanings of Snapchat Planets or Friends Solar System

Think of Snapchat Planets like the solar system you learned about in 4th grade, with the Sun at the centre and all the planets revolving around it. Just as Mercury is closest to the Sun, we have people closest to us in life whom we can’t imagine living without. On Snapchat, we share pictures, videos, and moments with these special people, building streaks and Snap scores. The more we interact with someone, the closer they become in our social circle.

By now, you might have figured out who your Mercury, Venus, and Earth are based on the explanation above. Similarly, on Snapchat, your top 8 best friends are like the planets orbiting around you (the Sun). Snapchat’s Planets section is designed to catch your interest and keep you engaged.

In the Bitmoji, your friends will appear sitting on planets around a sun, with your own Bitmoji inside. This setup helps you see who you’re closer to socially, regardless of whether your streak with them is high or low. It’s based on the number of snaps you’ve shared.

Understanding the Order of Snapchat Planets

Snapchat mimics the real solar system with its planets, but with a few twists. Here’s the order:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

Now, let’s dive into details about each planet.”

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and it appears faded red. On Snapchat planets, your closest friend, the one you share snaps with the most, will be represented by a similar-looking Mercury. You might also notice a few stars and hearts around Mercury, indicating that this is your very best friend.

Venus, just like in the real solar system. In this setup, Venus represents your second best friend, someone you share a lot of snaps and streaks with. You’ll notice Venus is a bit yellowish, with a few hearts around it

Earth is a beautiful green-blue planet, just like the real one. You’ll also see a moon in the background, along with the Bitmoji of your third best friend according to Snapchat’s stats.

Mars is the fourth planet in the lineup, representing your fourth best friend. It’s a deep red colour, with colourful hearts nearby and your friend’s Bitmoji sitting on the planet.

Jupiter, which is the largest planet, just like in real life. It has a beautiful gradient colour and represents your fifth best friend on Snapchat.

Saturn is the sixth planet representing your sixth best friend. It’s the most stunning and unique because it has a ring around it. At this point, you won’t see hearts around the planets anymore, but there will be stars adding to the beauty.

Significance: Saturn’s presence in your Snapchat Planets system can indicate strong, lasting relationships that you’ve built over time.

Uranus is a light blue or somewhat greenish planet representing your seventh best friend on Snapchat. It has a few stars around it. Significance: The position and size of Uranus in your Snapchat Planets system can give you insights into how your social circle is evolving and forming new connections on the platform.

Neptune represents your eighth-best friend. It’s a beautiful blue planet with a captivating view and three stars around it. Significance: Neptune’s presence in your Snapchat Planets system highlights your closest, most meaningful, and most influential relationships on the platform.

How does the Snapchat Planets System function?

This has sparked some debate among Snapchat users because it’s one of the most intriguing features but is available only to paid users.

Putting that aside, the idea behind the Snapchat Planet system isn’t entirely new, as it follows the order of the solar system. It represents your best friends based on how much you interact with them on the platform. The more snaps you share with them, the closer they’ll be to you, similar to how Mercury, Venus, and Earth orbit the Sun.

If you want a clearer or more numerical understanding, consider this example:

Let’s say you have four close friends on Snapchat: Olivia, Ava, Chloe, and James. You send snaps to them every day. Imagine you’ve sent 1000 snaps to Olivia, 800 snaps to Ava, 1100 snaps to Chloe, and 200 snaps to James. In this scenario, Chloe would be like your Mercury in the Snapchat planet system, Olivia would be Venus, Ava would be Earth, and James would be Mars.

Keep in mind, your planet system on Snapchat isn’t based on the snaps your friends share with you, but rather on the snaps you share with them. So, your Snapchat Planet system may look different from theirs, especially if they’re sharing moments with other people besides you.

How to Find Your Position in a Friend’s Profile?

  • Open the Snapchat app and go to your friend’s profile.
  • Look for the “Snapchat Planets” section in their profile.
  • Check out the planets and how they’re positioned in the solar system display.
  • Find your own planet and see where it’s located compared to the others.

Your planet’s position and size in your friend’s Snapchat Planets system can tell you a lot about your relationship with them. For instance, a bigger, more central planet might mean you’re close or interact often, while a smaller, farther one could mean you’re not as tight-knit.

Why is the Snapchat Planets System considered controversial?

  • Privacy Concerns: Users express concerns about the amount of personal information and relationship details revealed by the Snapchat Planets system. They fear it may compromise their privacy or lead to unforeseen social problems.
  • Accuracy Issues: Reports indicate that the Snapchat Planets system sometimes fails to accurately represent users’ relationships.
  • Potential for Misunderstanding: Since the system visually represents relationships, it’s open to interpretation.
  • Exclusion and Hierarchical Concerns: Certain individuals harbor apprehensions that the system may induce feelings of exclusion or insignificance if their planetary representations appear diminutive or distanced in contrast to those of their acquaintances.
  • Pressure to Conform: Moreover, there exists apprehension regarding the potential of the system to coerce users into upholding specific relationships or levels of interaction, even if such engagements prove detrimental.

Despite these reservations, Snapchat has opted to retain the functionality, with a substantial user base persisting in its utilization. Nevertheless, exercising prudence and comprehending its constraints and potential repercussions remain imperative.

How to Enable Snapchat Solar System?

  1. Launch the Snapchat application on your mobile device.
  2. Select your profile icon or Bitmoji situated in the top-left corner.
  3. Locate the Snapchat+ option within the golden-hued tab on your profile menu.
  4. Scroll through the menu until encountering “Solar System.”

Activate the Solar System feature by toggling it on, then confirm by tapping “Okay” on the prompt. Subsequently, restart the Snapchat application.

  1. You will now have access to the Snapchat Planets system and its interconnections displayed on your profile screen.

To ascertain your position within a friend’s Snapchat solar system:

  1. Open the Snapchat application on your device.
  2. Tap on the profile icon of the friend whose solar system positioning you wish to ascertain.
  3. If you observe “Best Friends” adorned with a golden ring amidst the tabs beneath their username, it signifies your inclusion within their solar system.
  4. Select the “Best Friends” button to ascertain your celestial positioning on their profile.

What is Snapchat+?

Snapchat+ represents a premium subscription service provided by Snapchat, providing extra functionalities and benefits surpassing those of the standard Snapchat application.

Primary Characteristics of Snapchat+:

  • Exclusive Snapchat Lenses: Subscribers obtain entry to distinct Snapchat lenses, filters, and effects.
  • Snapchat Planets Expansion: Users can unlock additional functionalities and tailor their Snapchat Planets setup.
  • Priority Assistance: Subscribers receive expedited customer support.
  • Snapchat Insights: Users can access comprehensive analytics pertaining to their Snapchat activity.
  • Exclusive Accolades and Emblems: Subscribers can employ distinct accolades and emblems to personalize their posts.

Advantages of Snapchat+:

  • Enhanced Customization: Users can tailor their Snapchat experience according to their preferences.
  • Deeper Insights: Subscribers gain profound insights into their Snapchat usage patterns.
  • Exclusive Content: Access to exclusive features and content.
  • Streamlined Support: Expedited resolution of issues through prompt assistance.

To subscribe to Snapchat+:

  1. Launch the Snapchat application on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the “Snapchat+” section within settings or the profile menu.
  3. Select “Subscribe” or “Get Snapchat+.”

Opt for the subscription plan that aligns with your requirements and complete the payment process.

  1. Upon subscription, you can commence enjoying the array of exclusive features offered.


What do the planets mean on Snapchat?

The planets in the Snapchat Planets system represent different types of relationships and interactions between users. Each planet, from Mercury to Neptune, has a specific meaning and significance within the Snapchat ecosystem.

What is the cost of a Snapchat+ Subscription?

The cost of a Snapchat+ subscription varies depending on the plan and region. In the United States, the current Snapchat+ subscription plans range from $3.99 to $7.99 per month, with different feature sets and benefits included.

Can you see Snapchat Planets for free?

Yes, the Snapchat Planets feature is available for free to all Snapchat users. However, some additional features and customization options for the Snapchat Planets system may be exclusive to Snapchat+ subscribers.

What do the different planets mean on Snapchat Plus?

In the Snapchat Planets system, each planet represents a different type of relationship or interaction between users. The planets, from Mercury to Neptune, have specific meanings and significance within the Snapchat ecosystem.

How Many Planets are there in Snapchat Planets System

The Snapchat Planets system consists of eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet represents a different type of relationship or interaction between Snapchat users.


In summary, Snapchat stands out for facilitating the expression of one’s social life among numerous connections, epitomized by its innovative Snapchat Planets feature. However, access to this feature is primarily limited to Snapchat+ subscribers, although newcomers can explore it with a complimentary 7-day trial. Despite encountering some backlash, the Snapchat Planets system remains a captivating aspect of the platform, inviting ongoing exploration and engagement. As Snapchat evolves, it’s intriguing to anticipate how the Planets system and its associated features will evolve, further enriching the user experience.

