Staking is live on with over 900% APR

Feb 16, 2023


One week old and we’ve already been featured in Yahoo Finance: NoiseGPT app raises concerns over ‘deepfake chaos’ ( and on Хаос, AI и крипто: NoiseGPT обединява всичко това — Money.b
[note both articles were unpaid, unsollicited but appreciated articles written about us]

In other news, as announced here, staking is live. Firstly, for LP’s: people that provide liquidity in the Uniswap pool. We allocate 5 million noiseGPT to people that decide to stake LP tokens.

It’s pretty straightforward:

  1. Buy noiseGPT
  2. Add liquidity on Uniswap
  3. Stake your LP tokens and earn up to 5,000,000 extra noisies.

* 900% APR is clickbait. There’s 5MM in noiseGPT to be earned within 8 weeks, your actual APR depends on how many others join. 5MM noiseGPT currently equals 5000 USD.

