Palm tree art

Noki and Nauli Naja
3 min readJan 5, 2024
One of my first attempts at a palm tree

This one is for my palm trees.

I usually do not draw things from this planet, and if I do, I put my own twist on it. But, I decided to do some palm trees, just for fun to see how I could draw them.

On some of them, I used colored pencils with the magic markers, and then to make the lines sharper, I used my pens.

This one has more magic marker.

Palm tree

This one above, I did not spend a lot of time on. It is mostly gel pen. I really didn’t think it would look this good while I was doing it, but I just kept going and it turned out good, and I am happy with it.

Shore palm tree

More of the magic marker on this one. I feel the colors could brighten someone's day looking at this one. :)


My mom wanted me to draw her some palm trees to give out for greeting cards. I always draw my drawings, and then scan them and print from the originals, but for some reason, I just gave my mom the originals of these palm trees to give out. So the people out there that got my original palm tree cards, you are lucky, because I just never do that.


I love how the trunk turned out on this one. Sometimes I look at my art and think, “Boy, that looks good!” I just draw what I see in my head, I never outline what I will be drawing. Actually, there are a few bigger ones that I did outline with pencil first, and then used my pens. :)

Very simple

I like how simple this one is. Mostly magic markers. I can cover a lot of ground with magic marker, but I don’t like to use it too much, because the smell gets overwhelming.

Bright colored palm tree

One last one. These are all my palm trees, and I printed them out and put them on my walls downstairs in our living room and bathroom. I should frame them, but haven’t yet, but I like what they look like, and that will work for now. :)

To continue on to my next art writings, I will have my earlier works, so you can see what I have come from. :)

See my art on my Facebook page:

My website, under Vestri Designs:

And check out my cute puppy videos of our Aussie pups:



Noki and Nauli Naja

Aussie pups, Noki and Nauli Naja, they are fun and the challenging, but worth it!! YouTube channel: