My Marriage Is Not Working (What to Do When Marriage Is Not Working Out)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

Are you feeling like your marriage is stuck in a rut, with no clear path forward? Do you find yourself wondering if this is how it’s supposed to be, or if there’s more to marriage than what you’re experiencing? You’re not alone. Many couples reach a point where they feel like their marriage is not working out, and it can be a challenging and confusing time. But don’t lose hope just yet. There are steps you can take to navigate through this rough patch and rebuild a stronger, healthier relationship.

I recently received an email from a client named Kindra who was grappling with similar feelings of frustration and disappointment in her marriage. Kindra’s email painted a picture of a relationship that had lost its spark over time. She reminisced about the early days of her marriage when she and her husband were inseparable, sharing dreams and building a life together. They would spend hours talking about their future, supporting each other through ups and downs, and cherishing every moment together.

However, as years passed by and responsibilities piled up, things started to change. Communication became strained, and meaningful conversations gave way to mundane discussions about household chores and work deadlines. Intimacy took a backseat, and they found themselves going through the motions rather than truly connecting with each other. Kindra expressed how she missed the passion and excitement they once had, and how she longed to feel that deep connection with her husband again.

Despite her efforts to initiate conversations and express her feelings, Kindra felt like her words were falling on deaf ears. Her husband seemed distant and preoccupied, and she couldn’t shake off the feeling of being disconnected from him. She wondered if this was just a phase that all marriages went through or if there was something fundamentally wrong in their relationship. Kindra’s email ended with a poignant question: “How do I bridge the gap between us and reignite the love we once shared?”

Kindra’s story is not uncommon. Many couples find themselves at a crossroads where the once-strong foundation of their relationship starts to crack under the weight of challenges and conflicts. If you resonate with Kindra’s experience, know that there are steps you can take to navigate this difficult terrain and work towards rebuilding a healthier, happier marriage.

1. Reflecting on Your Expectations

When we enter into marriage, we often carry with us a set of expectations shaped by various influences, from societal norms to personal desires. It’s crucial to take a step back and reflect on these expectations. Ask yourself: Did I expect my marriage to be flawless, with no challenges or disagreements? Were my expectations based on unrealistic ideals portrayed in movies or books? Reflecting on these questions can help you gain clarity on whether your expectations align with the reality of married life.

Furthermore, consider how your expectations may have evolved over time. It’s natural for expectations to change as we grow and experience different phases of life. Perhaps what you envisioned for your marriage when you first got married is different from what you desire now. Reflecting on these shifts in expectations can provide insights into areas of your marriage that may need attention or adjustment.

2. Open and Honest Communication

Communication lies at the heart of every successful marriage. When facing challenges in your relationship, it’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. This means expressing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment or criticism. Avoiding communication or resorting to passive-aggressive behavior only exacerbates issues and creates distance between partners.

Practice active listening during conversations with your partner. This involves truly hearing and understanding their perspective before responding. Validate their feelings and experiences, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. Creating a safe space for open and honest communication fosters trust and strengthens the bond between you and your partner, laying a solid foundation for addressing challenges together.

3. Identifying and Addressing Issues

Every marriage encounters challenges, but the key lies in identifying and addressing these issues effectively. Take a close look at the specific issues causing friction in your relationship. Is it a lack of intimacy, financial stress, unresolved conflicts, or unmet expectations? By pinpointing the root cause of the issues, you can begin to work towards solutions that address the underlying issues rather than just addressing surface-level symptoms.

Avoiding or ignoring problems only allows them to fester and grow more significant over time. Instead, approach challenges with a proactive mindset. This may involve initiating honest conversations with your partner about difficult topics, seeking outside support or resources, or making necessary changes to improve the dynamics of your relationship. By addressing issues head-on, you can prevent them from escalating and find constructive ways to move forward together.

4. Cultivating Empathy in Your Marriage

Empathy is a powerful tool that can transform the dynamics of your marriage. Cultivating empathy involves putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and understanding their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Practice active listening and validation during conversations, acknowledging and empathizing with your partner’s emotions even when you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective.

Empathy fosters a deeper level of understanding and connection in your relationship. It allows you to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts with compassion, and strengthen the emotional bond between you and your partner. By cultivating empathy in your marriage, you create a supportive and nurturing environment where both partners feel heard, understood, and valued, laying the groundwork for a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

5. Quality Time Together

In the midst of busy schedules and daily responsibilities, carving out quality time for each other is essential for maintaining a strong connection in your marriage. Consider setting aside dedicated moments for meaningful interactions, whether it’s enjoying a leisurely dinner together, taking a walk in nature, or simply having a heartfelt conversation. Quality time doesn’t have to be elaborate or extravagant; what matters most is the intention behind it — to nurture your bond and create cherished memories.

Moreover, prioritize presence over distractions during your time together. Put away electronic devices, turn off the TV, and focus on being fully engaged with your partner. Quality time is not just about being in the same physical space but also about being emotionally present and attentive. By investing in these moments of togetherness, you can strengthen your connection and rediscover the joy of companionship.

Remember, every marriage goes through ups and downs. It’s normal to face challenges, but it’s how we respond to these challenges that define the strength of our relationship. By being proactive, open-minded, and committed to working on your marriage, you can overcome obstacles and create a fulfilling and loving partnership.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to access additional resources and tools to help you navigate through challenges in your marriage and cultivate a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide offers practical exercises, additional tips, and insights from experienced relationship experts to help you and your partner foster a deeper connection and overcome obstacles together.

Don’t let uncertainty and frustration continue to overshadow your marriage. Take the first step towards rebuilding a stronger, more fulfilling relationship by exploring practical strategies and insights in this helpful resource. Click here now to access the roadmap to a happier marriage.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.