Behind the Scenes with Robin Vada Song

3 min readMay 22, 2024


In the latest episode of our podcast, “Shoot the Sh*t,” we have the pleasure of featuring Robin Vada Song, a talented director, actor, and directing coach. Robin shares some riveting stories from her extensive experience in the film industry. Enjoy these behind-the-scenes tales.

A Dance Video for Hurricane Relief

Robin’s first story takes us to a time when she was asked to direct a last-minute project — a dance video fundraiser for Hurricane Relief. Despite battling a cold, Robin rose to the challenge. She directed the shoot while fighting off an extreme fever and took on the demanding task of editing the video, all within an incredibly tight timeframe.

The Car Commercial Crisis

The second story Robin shares involves a high-stakes car commercial shoot. Everything was set for a thrilling sequence of stunts featuring a luxury SUV. However, the SUV’s engine failed due to a missing protector shield. Stuck in the middle of the ocean with a rising tide, the SUV refused to start.

Robin also delves into the art of directing actors and the pivotal role of a director in safeguarding the vision and ensuring stellar performances. She discusses the complexities of aligning with clients’ visions and the necessity of clear, decisive direction.

Unexpected Challenges on Set

Robin’s storytelling doesn’t stop there. She recounts a particularly intense experience where she had to take over as director after the original one was fired. With remarkable speed, she managed to assemble a new crew and secure the necessary gear. But the challenges didn’t end with logistics, when one of the actor’s arrived on set very intoxicated and attempted to strangle Robin.

Repair and Second Chances

Despite the hurdles, Robin emphasizes the importance of repair and second chances in the industry. She shares her philosophy on setting the tone on set, the necessity of giving actors the time they need, and the profound value of directing workshops and courses. Her experiences underline the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a supportive environment in filmmaking.

Robin Vada Song’s stories, as shared on “Shoot the Sh*t,” are a testament to the unpredictable nature of the film industry and the vital role directors play in steering projects to success, even when faced with significant challenges. Her insights offer a valuable perspective for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of film and commercial production.

Tune in to the latest episode of “Shoot the Sh*t” to hear these stories and more from Robin Vada Song!

Watch the full episode below or via this link!

