I use these 8 tools to build MVP for my clients

Arthur Yeti
Blog — Nomad House


As I promised, it’s my first « technical » blog post.

I will start by giving you a tour of the tools that I’m using the most to build MVP with React Native.

Sound good? Ok, let’s jump into it..

Javascript because you need to pick a language

There is a lot to say about Javascript. Some Developers hate it because it’s not a typed language. Some Developers love it. I use Javascript because it’s the language that fits my solopreneur workflow.

I can build with Javascript, a server, a web app and a mobile app for Android and iOS. Magic, right?

That’s why it’s the most used programming language in the world.

There are some weird issues with Javascript. You can solve most of them with libraries and google searches.

React Native

Facebook is blowing developers minds when they release React Native. It’s a library to build native apps for Android and iOS. Yes, I’ve said NATIVE.

I’ve been using React Native for my last 5 projects and I’m currently building the Nomad House app. It’s so easy to pull together and reuse code from previous apps.

I’ve tried competitors like Ionic and Titanium. They were both suffering from performances issues and flexibility. React Native will need you to write a lot of glue code, but there are libraries to save you time.


Graph.cool is a backend as a service to build a Graphql API in few minutes. I LOVE IT!

First, Graphql is data layer library from Apollo to replace the REST architecture. It’s the future and Graph.cool know it.

They built a great interface and tools to have a backend who can host your data and manufacture them for your apps.


Auth0 made a library to handle user authentication like sign ins, sign-ups and social logins in your apps.

It’s painful to write over and over the user authentication system my apps. Especially social logins like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc…

In most cases, I’m using Auth0 plugged with Graph.cool. Perfect, right?

It’s free until 7000 users, perfect for your MVP.


Expo.io is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android.

When I’ve discovered the power of Expo.io, I fall in love, right away.

Testing, maintaining and publishing a project are painful tasks that Expo.io solve.

This tool is saving me an SH*T ton of time for this. I can share my app with my users in one click, publish on stores within couple minutes, setup push notifications, and many more things…

I love, I love, I love!

VS Code

Yes, I use a Microsoft tool on my Mac, but it’s worth it!

VS Code is a code editor for javascript. It has the best autocompletion, no setup required, a great UI and super simple to use.

I’ve tried Atom, Sublime, WebStorm but VS Code is all that I need in one software. So far, I’ve found no drawbacks.


I’m sure you heard about Sketch. They killed Photoshop and Illustrator a while ago about digital design.

Sketch is a design toolkit built to help you create your best work.

The community is huge, you can find tons of resources to improve your design skills. I’m usually gathering UI components from better designers to build a design.

Bohemian Coding nailed every aspect of this product. It’s worth the $99.


Genymotion is the most powerful Android emulator (not simulator).

I can test my apps on Android and make sure that it’s working as expected. It’s not as perfect as owning an Android device but it does the job.

They have a free license that you can use for non-commercial use.

I’m putting it here, so you can keep me accountable and see the behind the scenes of building a course.

If you’re interested in building an MVP with React-Native, go check my course.

