Android Automation: A super simple guide to create your first Espresso test

Dmitry Yarygin
Software Testing: Break and Improve
7 min readJul 30, 2019


What is Espresso, anyway?

No, it’s not a drink that you drink every day to have an energy boost. Espresso is an open source test framework developed by Google that allows to perform complex UI tests on either a real device or emulator. Will it take a while to wrap your head around writing complex tests on Android?

Maybe. But nothing stops you from making a first move and educating yourself how to write simple test cases for Android using Espresso framework.

Tell me more about automation?

Sure. Automation is a way of making test execution faster, more efficient and scalable. Manual testing is important, but having an established testing is much better option going forward.

There are primarily two types of testing frameworks:

  1. Frameworks that don’t need an access to a source code and are not integrated as a part of the project. Examples are WebDriver, Appium, QTP.
  2. Frameworks that need an access to a source code. Espresso, KIF (Keep It Functional) are good examples.

Espresso is type of framework that needs access to a source code and that’s why in order to automate it we need to have an access to our…



Dmitry Yarygin
Software Testing: Break and Improve

Nomad lifestyle writer. Passionate about breaking software— QA Engineer. My Travel & Tech YouTube channel: