Noman Ahmad
3 min readNov 15, 2019


Interested and Interesting are two diverse words and each word has its own approach, so considering these words will benefit us in making new friends, and perform well in interviews.

  • Interested means how much you are passionate about something, how much you like it? It shows your feelings.
  • Interesting on the other hand is the reflection of yourself i.e. what type of person you are?

I have read the first chapter of Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in which he focuses on the following statement:

In the first chapter he discussed about his pet whose name was Tippy, he said that dog has nothing to give you except love. The dog shows his interest in human beings just by love and that is why the dog is the most loyal animal to humans in this world.

There is also a statement from The New York Telephone Company that the most used word from telephone calls comes out to be “I” not Me. It’s obvious that everybody wants to hear about himself, if you want to make new friends than you have to know and understand them.

So the outcome of this reading is that if you want to turn out to be friendly than you have to know about the feelings and emotions of others. You have to listen to them, you have to show your interest by love and care and in turn they will find you an interesting person and as Dale said in the first chapter of his book Be Interested and You Will Be Welcome Everywhere.

When you apply this statement “To be interesting, be interested” from Dale Carnegie in your real life you will able to know people in a better way. When you are interested in someone than you try to know more about that person so that you can show your passion, love and care towards that person.

For Example: To show your interest you have to care about that person the way you care about your family and loved ones. You have to make him feel that you are truly interested and curious about knowing them.

At last, this will help you in becoming friendly and also help you in adjusting yourself in every situation and place. Because by knowing others you will show that you are truly interested in them.

