MEAN App tutorial with Angular 4 (Part 1)

Noman Hasan
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2017

The popular MEAN Stack is now much more powerful with the Upgraded Angular 4. With the superb performance of NodeJS at the Backend and Angular 4 at the Frontend and MongoDB as the Database — The Combination is too powerful to beat.

We are going to make an MEAN App with Angular 4. The App is going to be a very simple Todo App. The first part is about developing the NodeJS Bakcend, The second Part will contain the Angular App.

Also from the get go we are going to use some good practices like using controllers, services to discipline our code instead of mashing all of them together.

This is the part 2 of the Tutorial — MEAN App Tutorial with Angular 4(Part 2)
And next, This same app will be converted into a Redux version — Getting Started with NgRx

Lets setup the environment

  1. First go here — and Install NodeJS.
  2. Download and Install MongoDB —
  3. Download a good Text Editor or IDE. I Personally prefer Visual Studio Code —

Now the environment Setup is done. Let’s get into the command line.

First we need to install ExpressJS. The most popular NodeJS Framework.

npm install -g express express-generator

This will install ExpressJS and the ExpressJS Official generator packages. Now let’s generate the Application using the Express Generator.

express --view=ejs todoapp

Now the express App is generated. Go inside the directory.

cd todoapp

npm install

All the necessary packages will be installed.

At first let’s install all the necessary packages we will be using throughout this app.

npm install --save bluebird mongoose mongoose-paginate nodemon

Our current directory structure is —









Edit the Package.json files start script from node to nodemon.

Another important point — We won’t be using callbacks, We even won’t be using traditional Promises. We are going to use the great async-await feature introduced in NodeJS 7.6.

Anatomy of an Async Function


Start MongoDB. Now Add mongoose support to the app.js file.

We are going going to use bluebird promise library. Let’s add bluebird.

CORS Configuration

To allow Cross Origin Request(Request from our Angular Frontend) add these lines beneath the Mongoose Connection code.

The reason is the Frontend Application will be on http://localhost:4200, which is different origin from http://localhost:3000. That’s why the CORS policy of Browsers blocks these kinds of request. We need to allow these kinds of requests from the Backend’s preflight response.


The Database Connection is done. Before adding the model we need to clear up about the architecture of the Application. We are going to have several layers.

  1. Data — This Layer is the MongoDB Models or Mongoose Models
  2. Services — This layer is going to execute atomic CRUD operations on the models
  3. Controller — This Layer is going to control the request body parsing, validating, checking , responding and Error returning actions.
  4. API — This layer is a very simple mapping layer. Where specific api endpoints will be mapped to the Controller Functions.

Data Layer

Let’s add the Model.

Create a file /models/todo.model.js

We’ve made the necessary properties for the Schema and then create a Model from that Schema . We’ve used mongoose-paginate Package, so that in the future pagination would be much easier. The Data layer is done. The simplicity of mongoose is that awesome.

Service Layer

We need to create the services that will actually access the Mongoose Models. Let’s create Services Directory and todo.service.js file.


The Service layer is done for now. Next is Controller Layer.

Controller Layer

Make a new directory named /controllers and place todos.controller.js there


API Layer

Let’s start to actually make some API endpoints. First make a directory /api Inside the /routes folder.

mkdir routes/api

Create a file todos.route.js Inside the api directory.


Now create a new file inside the routes folder named routes/api.route.js And use the todos route module.

Use this route inside the App.js file, so that the matching routes can go inside the route modules.

Now the Todo API is complete. Start the api by either nodemon ./bin/www Or npm startCommand.

> nodemon ./bin/www

[nodemon] 1.11.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node ./bin/www`
Succesfully Connected to the Mongodb Database at URL : mongodb://

Now bring up Postman and Let’s test the API.





We can see that every requests are working properly. So Our Todo API is complete. We can do a lot of improvements on it. But for now It’s going to be enough.

You can find the project in Github —

You can get the source code and run the project from there.

In the next part we will start the Angular 4 Frontend.

This is the next Part — MEAN App tutorial with Angular 4(Part 2)

