How focusing on the bright side is a game- changer

Fighting negative thoughts and energy

Noma Dek
4 min readJul 29, 2019

Photo by Laura Pratt

As a former depressed human being I have to say I truly appreciate my sanity and good mental state. Depression is real and a cruel thief of joy. It’s also an uncomfortable thing to talk about and yet it affects so many people.

So I made a decision to make every effort to stay on the other side of life — sane. Here’s how I manage to fight the negativity in the following ways


When I look at what I need to be thankful for, my energy quickly shifts. All of sudden by acknowledging the good I become one with good. I think it, say it write it — doing this three times let’s it soak in.


There’s so much power in the word. I find that when I repeat positive affirmations over and over again I immediately feel better and calm so when the doubts, fear, and all the other lies start sipping through the cracks of my brain I got to remind myself of the truth of who I am. My favorite affirmations that pick me up

I look to nature

There’s so much power nature has that can elevate our energy and life. I’m a firm believer of this power.

My favorite things to do are

1/Taking walks — whenever I start to go down the dangerous route of thinking negativity I take walks, phone aside it’s me and nature one on one. I look at the birds prancing around happily, flowers quietly blooming, the squirrels playing around full of energy and looking content, and whatever else that the Universe places on my path to cheer me up.

2/Forest bathing

Forest bathing is a nature therapy where the focus is on taking in nature in tree form. I usually take a slow walk in an area that is abundantly covered with trees. I breath in and enjoy their beauty. Usually I take 30 minutes or more, I sit down and allow myself to be immersed in the beauty and instantly I feel a deep embrace that’s like a spiritual hug, and a smile appears on my face, my heart leaps and I walk away refreshed.

According to Dr Quan Li who has done many studies on the topic and author of the book Forest Bathing: how trees can help you find health and happiness — spending time can reduce levels of anger, anxiety, depression, promotes cardiovascular health, and strengthens immune system.

Diffusers and essential oils

Diffusers are little towers with ceramic disc inside of them that produces cool mist or vapor which also helps the environment smell refreshing, and depending on the scent and benefits of the essential this always makes me feel really good. My favorite is eucalyptus oil, with it’s antiseptic benefits, soothes cold, used to heal wounds, makes breathing so easy among other things. As part of my night routine I put 8 drops of oil in the water in the diffuser and the vapor appears along with different light colors that interchanges all night long from green, blue, yellow, red, purple and as a bonus tbe diffuser has a soothing rainfall sounds that makes it easy to rest. Diffusers cost varies, prices can start from $20 which is reasonable considering how beneficial it is to my well being.


Reading is by far my all-time favorite thing. I remember from an early age how I’d go to the sick bay to hide from others and just escape to different worlds through books. I’m obviously an introvert and reading allows me to explore life and learn in a quiet space. Even as an adult, I’ll choose a book over the company of some people. My current favorite reads at the moment is You’re a Badass at making Money by Jen Sincero which is a much needed raw and honest guide about money from crushing limiting financial beliefs to coming at peace with one of the biggest necessity of all times.

Taking deep breaths

Using breathing techniques is one simple beneficial and free tools that can help calm the mind. I usually do at least 7 deep breaths and always feel better and at ease. By focusing on the breath and realizing the magic of my existence I get assured that my being here is needed and I am loved.

I know things can get tough sometimes but honestly there is always a way to conquer and by looking and focusing on the bright side of life we can make one win at a time. Life is meant to be great.



Noma Dek

Mom to a lively energetic boy, writer, professional organizer. In a world that thrives on negativity, I enjoy looking for positivity every chance I get.