Action plan on the land of “Fault”

sirinon suwanmolee
6 min readAug 5, 2016


The village that I do the action plan is “Ban LuaPattana”. This village is settled in the valley on “Meachan Earthquake fault”. All villagers are Lau-hilltribe. Risk of this village is Landslide, Flashflood and Earthquake. Due to the all house are settle on the slope of the mountain.

This village have the canal cut-off the village from the main road and behind the temple of the village have the soil cliff that risk to landslide.

There are high density resident on the mountain slope. Moreover, soil density of each houses are not stable to resist the pressure of underground water in rainy season. Because each house just adjust the land surface by dump the soil to enhance the flatness, then made the landwall to prevent landslide by their indigenous knowledge. These Land Reclamation led the low density land, while the high landwall made without the engineering principle. If Meachan earthquake fault activate, this village will most damage because; 1. Village location — mountain slope and low density soil are risk to face with landslide in rain season which always high cumulative precipitation. And if some house shrink or slide, It will be chain effect of the collapse to the next house.

2. House construction — House basement is not strength enough. House construction didn’t follow basic engineering to resist the earthquake of landslide.

view from front of the waterstorage at the top of the village.

Moreover, the vulnerable point of this village is the temple which locate on the highest zone of the village. This temple was built on low density land. There is 100,000 Liters of water tank on the back of the temple which near the loss land surface cliff. If the earthquake shakes, Hazard will complicate because 1) the land might be slide 2) the waterstorage might be broken and became flashflood → destroy the lower house.

Thus, the knowledge and skill transfer are very important to reduce the risk of the community. The work shop of construction’s disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management plan are launched in this beginning of rainy season.

While, Risk perception and Technical empower still lack. Moreover, The knowledge and technology transfer was limited in rural area. Thus, the way to stimulate the process of Disaster risk reduction in prone area. We must begin with participation of villagers who have the potential to reduce the risk. The villager who are the local building contractors as the soil type to start the DRR process on community self-organize by DIY civil engineering from the support of RMUTL academic volunteers team as the water type and wind type. (Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL) is the academic institution who building inspector survey and work with the civil network in the earthquake affected area restoration for 2 years.)

seismic resist structure model Lecture & demonstration

Due to the risk assessment and skill empowerment to coping with earthquake and landslide should integrated together and transfer into local context capacity follow the cognition step as Comfort, Louise K. (2007) was defined the factor of adaptive disaster response as “4Cs” : Cognition, Communication, Coordination and Control. To build the adaptive disaster response, stakeholder might begin with 1) “Disaster cognition setup”. The experience and perception of the affected people must transform to the lesson learnt. Disaster‘s lesson learnt should compile from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, then 2) “communicate” to build overall awareness, convinced the participate member in same 3) “coordination” to reduce the risk from disaster. Thus one way to 4) “control” the community risk is the knowledge transfer which setup the sustainable disaster risk reduction on their own. Thus, 1. Workshop on Construction risk reduction: make “the control” by strengthen the skill of the earthquake resist construction and the landwall strengthen. Target group is village leader, Municipality committee, Local building contractors who gain affected. They are recieved the knowledge about wall straighten to resist the seismic from the earthquake.

wall strenghten by wiremesh attach.

Then transfer the knowledge about science of Landslide then demonstrate physic of reel placing on DIY pile rig to made Landslide-resist wall.: make “the control” by strengthen the skill of the earthquake resist construction and the landwall strengthen. Target group is village leader, Municipality committee, Local building contractors who gain affected. They are received the knowledge about wall straighten to resist the seismic from the earthquake.

After lecture about the mechanism of pil rig and reel. everybody have to practice on the real site.

2. Define the risk and safe : as I said above “the cognition” and “the cooperation”. Villager have to brainstorm to define the risk, the safe area and the evacuation route by themselves. They must design their emergency plan evacuate in case earthquake and landslide are break together. They have to imagine about more complicate scenario and find the way to reduce their loss.

define the location of the vulnerable group such as the house that have the infant, disable, elder and pragnent

Thus three role of actor as the agreement of individual self-organize , performance of village emergency response ‘s committee and the support from municipal must linkage to systematic cooperation such as;

- the individual level , everybody (include the children) must know the way to go to the safe place in case landslide / in case flashflood / in case earthquake which set on the different place.

- the community level, village emergency response ‘s committee have to set up the center of emergency help to provide food, shelter, traffic handle, donation center, damage loss data gather link to Municipal level.

- the municipal level, they have to recognize the community plan and support the need coorperate the village emergency response ‘s committee on their role.

define the prone area and safe place from each hazard.

3. Develop Landslide board game: refer to “the cognition” and “the cooperation” on board game simulation. The children as vulnerable group who have to know about precipitation monitoring in landslide, How to survive while evacuation from landslide. I want them recognize they must go to the higher place first when landslide, then find the way to save their member and each other to the safe place.

This activity will not achieve if we don’t have the attention of all local building contractor who perform and brainstorm to enhance their life. I have to thank RMULT team who work with the village since analyze the spatial data to organize this workshop, I have to thank Mirror foundation who coordinate the village leader team to organize this workshop. so the last the unforgotten is Japan Foundation who support the main budget of this workshop.

