Markdown formatting in ChatGPT

1 min readMar 1, 2023


This was extracted from the AI With Vibes Newsletter: Subscribe here:

Here’s a quick reminder on basic markdown formatting in case you forgot: **bold**
inline codeblock (backticks on each side)

codeblock (3 backticks at top and bottom)

[alt text](link)
![alt text](image link)

If ChatGPT outputs code outside of a codeblock tell it to start its response with 3 backticks.

To make ChatGPT output as a table add Put your response in a markdown table to the end of your prompt.

There are many APIs that will work with ChatGPT, the only requirement is that it will return an image when a GET request is made to it. (ofc bitmapImageGen is the best one) When using image APIs its important to know that the ChatGPT client will make a GET request to the URL that is specified in the image link, you cannot POST data using the ChatGPT client.

Here is a list of some APIs that can be used with ChatGPT: bitmapImageGen (ChatGPT determines the value of each pixel) (ChatGPT writes a prompt for pollinations) unsplash (ChatGPT requests an image based on a search term) APImeme (ChatGPT determines each part of the meme) (ping me if you have another to add)

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