Shift in Thai Agriculture Practice and the Problems in Thai Farmers

Kanawat Prapasapong
4 min readAug 2, 2016


Thai agricultural practice could be dated back to the period before Sukhothai Kingdom where labour force still comprised of serf, plebeian, and slave whom had to pay taxes to the state in form of produce, handicrafts, and labour. The state then utilized these ‘taxes’ in running states and as exchange mediums in commercial activities. Hence, population of labour force available in the state was directly tied to the aggregated wealth and capability in warfare and development. The more labour force the state had the more aggregate produce and compiling wealth. Yet, labour pool in the historical period of this region was quite limited due to temperate-monsoon climate and lowland-floodplain areas and forests. The vicinity of ancestral Sukhothai-Ayutthaya region was full of fatal diseases; a lot of which people at the time still has no cure for; such as skin diseases, fevers, eye-diseases, stomach diseases, muscle diseases, smallpox, variola, cholera. The tale of dangerous disease-ridden Dong Phayayen-Dong Phayaphai forests (Khaoyai National Park) is but a reflection of how numerous people from the period suffered and died from frightening unknown diseases

A reason for wars between Burma-Ayuthaya of the past could be attributed to labour force, produce, and handicraft, rather than kingdom expansion. Vast emptied land had always been available to both kingdoms with scatter few people living on the plain, although tributes of produce and handicrafts from vassal states was always a plus, so did the satisfaction of seeing your bitter enemies burned to the ground.

In any case, traditional agricultural practice is local wisdom inherited through generations. The practice depends on ecological system and natural symbiosis to eliminate harmful animals and microorganisms to plant. Ancient Thai people therefore recognize lots of herbs and plants as they need to know which plants is symbiosis to the other or which animal/insects is good for certain type of plant. The knowledge corpus enables them to successfully conduct polyculture without synthesis substances such as fertilizers, pesticide, and herbicide; resulting in available food all year long and good soil compositions. In fertile land, chameleon and skink are often found eating herbivore insects. Wasp has also been found hunting herbivore insects. The purpose of traditional agriculture is not to supply the market with agricultural produce or to gain money for buying/selling food and other supplies, rather in self-sustainability. Occasionally, the surplus produces and commodities will be given to farmers’ neighbors and friends in the local community as a gesture of friendship. Hence, beauty of Thai culture was born out of abundance food supply, even in destitute period.

As seen in later period ever since signing of Bowring Treaty, Thai agricultural practice began to change. Modernization policies first issued by King Rama the IV during the late period of his reign gradually transform Thai society into the mirror image of conquering Western culture. The state began supporting usage of monetary medium in place of direct exchange between goods, followed by establishment of Royal Thai Mint, Customs House, and initiation of Gold Balance Reserve. Each of these steps speaks of increasing importance of monetary medium in Thailand as well as its elevation to be new measurement of wealth.

Eventually, agricultural practice must adapt to the new age. The shift in focus from self-sustainability to earning highest monetary value began when National Treasury began collecting tax in ‘money’ which forced farmers and grassroots to adapt. Traditional culture of self-sustainability and giving surplus commodities faded away to commercial activity. In its place, people now can buy and sell almost everything with money.

Eventually, traditional polyculture practice which produce low yield gave way to modernized practice of monoculture. It places emphasis on synthetic fertilizers, pesticide, and herbicide. People started immigrating into city as it is the center of modernization, monetary income, and biggest market for produce. However, farmers can no longer dictate the price, instead, it’s demand-supply mechanism and middle traders while grassroots farmers who carry the biggest risk have little leverage on the price.

As monoculture practice continued on, price of synthetic fertilizers, pesticide, and herbicide increase while soil compositions deteriorate. Local herbs and plants are now lost to farmers and communities. They have to buy what they once grew. Situation gets worse as produce price fluctuates and cause the income to always be uncertain while the expense only increases. It’s the cause of Thai farmers’ poverty.

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