First Camera In The World

Nonso Onyejemezi
2 min readNov 16, 2023


world first camera

5 days ago, I marveled when I saw the photograph above.

It was the first device that could capture and reproduce an image.

This device was designed by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1816, and it was called the “heliograph”.

It was so big that it required about 5–7 men to operate it.

I dug further and realized that another inventor named — Louis Daguerre, did an enhancement on the heliograph in 1839, and created the “daguerreotype”, which was a bit smaller.

And the cycle went on.

As new inventions came, the physical size of the cameras kept reducing, while their quality kept increasing.

They reduced to the point that we could now put them in a purse, and walk around.

Today, cameras are just a tiny feature in our phones, yet they’re more sophisticated than the big physical models from the past.

Imagine if Joseph Nicéphore Niépce never got to create that first enormous design, and was waiting to create a small sophisticated camera?

He would have died not achieving anything.


One lesson I drew from the above is this —

The first time you’d try something would always be your worst, and every time you attempt it further, it starts taking shape and makes more sense.

Stop struggling with all the over-analyzing, over-thinking, and perfecting, when starting out.

Allow yourself to mess up, fail and make mistakes when starting out.

Stop looking for the perfect strategies.

They don’t exist.

Only continuous strategies do exist, not perfect ones.

If you’re always mindful of making mistakes, you’d always be sad, disappointed, depressed and mentally worn out, because no human gets a 100% out of anything they do.

The beautiful thing about messing up when you’re starting out, is that you can easily measure your growth.

You can easily see the difference between what you did let’s say 8 months ago, and what you did today.

Some ideas you’d birth may be destined to be enhanced by other people, but you just have to kick it off first.

Don’t put yourself in the perfection dungeon.

It’s a deadly place to be.

If you want to remain sane and also hit those goals, you should scrape perfection from your dictionary, and start thinking “improvement”.

To your success!

© Nonso Onyejemezi

