NoogaNaega Red NFT Fibonacci and Golden Ratio Distribution Plan

6 min readFeb 15, 2023


NoogaNaega Red NFT Fibonacci and Golden Ratio Distribution Plan for Core-Team and Contribute-to-Earn Members.

We have named our distribution plan to honor Leonardo Fibonacci, Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, who was once considered to be the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle ages.

The Beauty of NoogaNaega Red NFT Distribution and Contribute-to-Earn Model Distribution Embracing the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio.

I am excited to announce that our NoogaNaega Red NFT project will be incorporating the principles of the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio in our distribution process.

This means that we will be using a mathematical approach to reward our community members and core team for their contributions to the project. Our mission is to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun” and I am excited to tell you about our fascinating distribution model.

NoogaNaega has recently announced its plan to distribute its NoogaNaega Red NFT tokens among the community members and core team with a shared mission to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”. The method of distribution is what sets NoogaNaega apart from the rest, giving an opportunity for everyone regardless of financial status to participate in this exciting NFT ecosystem. NoogaNaega has decided to embrace the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio in its NFT token distribution strategy.

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. The Fibonacci sequence has fascinated mathematicians and artists for centuries, and it is widely used in various fields, from biology to finance. The Golden Ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between two quantities in such a way that the ratio of the smaller quantity to the larger one is the same as the ratio of the larger one to the sum of both quantities.

For the reader’s convenience, here is a short list of the Fibonacci sequence:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, …

In NoogaNaega, the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio will be used in the contribute-to-earn model. This distribution method reflects NoogaNaega’s commitment to the principles of transparency, fairness, democracy, and community engagement as it will ensure a transparent and balanced distribution of NFT tokens.

The Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio will provide a clear and objective way to determine the time of distribution of NFT tokens each person should receive by using a well-known and universally accepted mathematical concept and will thus increase the trust and confidence of the community in NoogaNaega — all for the mission of NoogaNaega to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”.

In our distribution model, the target mint amounts from purchases will start from the 7th index of the Fibonacci sequence, which is 13, and increase by two figures in the sequence, (i.e. 34, 89, 233, 610, 1597, and 4181).

Distributions to community participants and core members will start immediately after we hit each target mint amount with the total distribution amount starting from the 6th index of the Fibonacci sequence, which is 8, and increasing by two figures in the sequence (i.e. 21, 55, 144, 377, 987, 2584), thus achieving the Golden Ratio.

So far, we started with the 7th index as the starting number and used 7 numbers from Fibonacci Sequence as a target mint amount and 7 numbers as distribution amount. Yeap that’s a lot of 7s.

The allocation of NFT tokens for core-team members will occur after a total of 6,765 tokens (sum of 4,181 purchased and 2,584 distributed) have been minted and follow the vesting rule to show our commitment to the mission of NoogaNaega. However, core-team members may also participate in contribute-to-earn model campaigns and will be rewarded as part of Golden Ratio distribution.

Vesting rule for core-team members: 50% of distribution will occur after a total of 6,765 tokens have been minted and the rest of the distribution will occur after all tokens (total of 9,001) have been successfully minted. This vesting schedule is put in place to incentivize the core-team members to work towards the long-term success of the project, as they will only receive their benefits if certain conditions are met.

Once a total of 6,765 NFTs have been minted, which is a number in Fibonacci sequence that doesn’t go over the total 9,001 limit of our NoogaNaega Red NFTs,the remainder of NFTs (2,236 tokens) will be minted as follows:


As you may have noticed, the increase in the target mint amount and distribution amount also follow numbers within the Fibonacci sequence.

That is how we will be distributing every single 9,001 NFT. Every NFT is precious and matters to reach this perfect harmony.

After every single 9,001 NoogaNaega Red NFT has been minted or after March 01 2024 whichever comes first, we will launch our NextGen collection NoogaNaega Orange NFT with an improved contribute-to-earn model to achieve our mission to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”. We are committed to making the experience faster, better, and stronger to achieve our mission.

Also, as the contribute-to-earn members’ rewards go beyond the Golden Ratio during NoogaNaega NFT Red, they will be in queue to be rewarded with the NextGen collection, NoogaNaega Orange NFT. This is in place to make sure that everyone gets rewarded for their contribution.

We understand that circumstances can change and the unexpected can happen. In the event that the NoogaNaega Red NFT mint reaches 9001 before the stated number of Contribute-to-Earn members is met, we will reward all verified Contribute-to-Earn members in accordance with the distribution plan.

Also, they will be rewarded with NoogaNaega Orange NFT if there are no more NoogaNaega Red NFTs at the given time. We believe in fairness and equity, and we are committed to upholding these values in any situations. This is in place to make sure that everyone gets rewarded for their contribution.

Some may ask, “If we can contribute-to-earn, why should someone want to mint NoogaNaega NFT for .10 ETH?”

The decision to mint NoogaNaega Red NFT at .10 ETH is up to the individual and may depend on a variety of factors. Reasons for this decision can include:

  1. Show Support for NoogaNaega’s Mission “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”. By minting a NoogaNaega Red NFT, individuals can demonstrate their support for the mission to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun” and proudly showcase their token to their friends and family.
  2. Contribute to the Community. Minting allows the distribution of NFTs to contribute-to-earn members and core team members, who are actively working to make a positive impact on the environment. This supports NoogaNaega’s mission to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”.
  3. Own a Piece of History. By minting a NoogaNaega Red NFT, individuals become part of NoogaNaega’s first NFT collection and own a piece of history. This NFT will be recorded on the blockchain as a unique and permanent digital footprint to remind us that we were here to make an impact with the shared mission of NoogaNaega “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”.
  4. NFT Collection Enthusiast. Some individuals enjoy collecting NFTs as a hobby, and NoogaNaega NFTs provide a unique addition to their collection.
  5. Unique and Rare NFT Ownership. For those interested in owning a rare and unique NFT, NoogaNaega offers the opportunity to become a part of the community and own a special NFT token.


NoogaNaega Red NFT is not intended to be a financial investment or an investment vehicle. The future value of NoogaNaega Red NFT is uncertain and cannot be guaranteed. NoogaNaega does not make any representation or warranty regarding the potential for appreciation or depreciation of the value of NoogaNaega Red NFT and is not responsible for any changes in value. NoogaNaega Red NFT is intended for collectors and enthusiasts interested in supporting and participating in the NoogaNaega community and its mission to “Make Eco-Friendly Fun”.

By minting and owning a NoogaNaega Red NFT, you acknowledge and agree to our white paper, Introducing Contribute-to-Earn Model for NoogaNaega NFTs article, and NoogaNaega Red NFT Fibonacci and Golden Ratio Distribution Plan, that you are not relying on NoogaNaega or any of its affiliates for any financial, investment, or other advice or guidance, and that you are fully responsible for your own decisions. NoogaNaega will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from your purchase or use of NoogaNaega Red NFT.


Leonardo Fibonacci Number

Golden Ratio

NoogaNaega NFT White Paper

Introducing Contribute to Earn Model for NoogaNaega NFTs

NoogaNaega Red NFT Minting Dapp

